> Rousey vs SAS, ST6 or Dealta?

Rousey vs SAS, ST6 or Dealta?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Who would win in a no rules fight to the death, pick whichever spec ops unit you prefer

I doubt Rousey knows how to use a sniper rifle well enough to pose a significant threat to them.

The military spend at the most one hour a week on hand to hand combat as it has virtually no place in modern warfare. They have much more important things to spend there time on.

how therefore do you expect someone who doesn't train hand to hand to fight someone who spends all day every day fighting empty handed for a living?

The question is a stupid as it is pointless.

Rousey has no weaponry knowledge.

Why do people come up with such dumb questions. Get a ****** life dude.

Who would win in a no rules fight to the death, pick whichever spec ops unit you prefer