It's a good style. But how much time are you willing to put into it? What are your expectations of learning Wing Chun? I also recommend joining with a friend... preferably a girl friend (I take it your a woman). It's makes learning WC more enjoyable going through it with someone you know. When you start learning Chi Sau, having a friend at the same level you are helps a lot.
You'll know soon enough. Try seeing if there's a place nearby which either has rental gear or where
it's included in what you pay for the class so that if you don't like it not much will have been invested.
So, I really want to start taking martial arts, specifically Wing Chun. I am very very nervous though for several reasons. I was raised in a home full of physical and emotional abuse. It was bad. Because of this, I have EXTREMELY low self esteem, bad anxiety, and even now I sometimes get nervous around men. (because my father was the one that beat me) I am also VERY VERY shy.
I know Wing Chun will improve my self esteem, but I'm so worried about starting it. I'm in my mid 20s yet I look super young, and I'm small (only 4'11) and I think I should be in shape more too. I'm afraid I'll be in a class full of muscled manly men and that it will seriously freak me out.
Obviously I have a lot of doubts, but it's something I really want to try. With someone with a lot of experience give me good advice? I have nobody to talk to about this. Thank you so much!