> Question about martial arts training?

Question about martial arts training?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I understand the concept completely. It's called training in "real life". In Krav Maga we associate the principal to training in manners to replicate being injured and having to defend yourself. While I agree that being drunk and trying to train can create a greater opportunity for injury, training for dealing with threats in our lives under all circumstances is highly beneficial.

I personally go for the "don't drink and stay out of bars" option, but being Irish also, I used to drink frequently and it seemed to coincide with the frequency of getting into altercations. If your son chooses to train while intoxicated he should limit the alcohol intake at first to become familiar with it's effects on his coordination, balance, reaction time, etc.. As he progresses, he can begin to increase his intake over time to his normal "night out" levels to experience what he would need to do to adjust under those circumstances. I'm sure you are aware that at a point "too drunk" is just that TOO drunk.

I would recommend he train with your brother to start because I don't know of any instructors that are going to take that liability potential on in their schools.

Your brother is a boob. I've never in 30-odd years of training ever heard of this kind of conditioning. For some to throw the phrase "semi-drunk" is senseless, because that has no medical, legal, or martial meaning. What is the BAC in this case?

Further, anyone who is an experienced instructor will never take a student who is under the influence of any drug or alcohol: the risk of injury to the student or the other students is too high a legal liability. Will the person who is drunk or high know when to release a choke-hold? Will he recognize a tap out?

I can say this: If I ever get caught in a choke or lock, and I tap, and that choke/lock isn't released because he's too drunk to recognize the tap, that person may not make out into the parking lot to go home, assuming I'm still conscious.

If I recognize anyone in any school who is drunk or under the influence, the instructor will be notified. If that person isn't escorted off the mat, I will not train. If you want realism, why not go all the way and bring in glass bottles, real guns, and sharp knives on the mat? Why not have someone on PCP or steroids (raging on roids) come in and train?

This is more than a stupid idea. It's an accident waiting to happen, and I sure as hell will make sure I'm not the one with the accident.

I've heard this theory, but don't recommend it in this case.

Also keep in mind that many of us train not to fight but for self defense, self improvement, exercise, etc.

The first rule of self defense is situational awareness. And if you're drunk or in a dark bar and not in total control you're already putting yourself at a high risk.

Next while the theory of training drunk to be able to fight that way doesn't work. Imagine practicing driving drunk to make you a better drunk driver. It just doesn't work.

Finally if someone is drinking so much in bars, and in the dojo they probably have a problem. My suggestion is they go to AA and get clean and sober as excessiviness goes counter to the ideals of a true martial artist. In other words a drink, glass of wine, or beer or two very now and then isn't a problem, but getting drunk on a regular basis is a problem which invites fights, bad health, etc.

well as martial artist and into Shaolin arts they do have style based on being drunk but they never fight drunk only look it... Now being drunk does two things make you weaker and loose the clear mind you need in a fight be it MMA or street fight... only your son knows what is best for himself.. none of us can tell him what is best only are opinions... but even being trained will give him a upper hand...also depends on how much he drinks...1 or 2 he could fight with clear mind but force would decrease some...now being fall out drunk no he would lose what edge he does have.... martial artist train to stay out of fights but use what is needed in a time of a fight... I would say go to bar less and train more... the bars will always be there, training may not be... but that's just what I think... nothing wrong with going to have good time and hang with friends...

People that are spending a lot of time in bars and pubs, have a possibility to get in some types of bar or pub brawls, especially if they hang out, to the ones that brawls common. If additional training while semi-drunk is needed for him I don't know, since I am not a big fan of trying to replicate everything, either I know the person. If he haven't been in a brawl before is likely not to get in one anyway, however is up to him to decide if that is for him. He can try and see if that is for him.

No, training while drinking is stupid. You can pull muscles more easily and your judgement is impaired.

That's as dumb as saying you need to be knocked out so you know what it feels like.

He's an idiot.

You shouldn't be going to bars. A lot of fights happen and if you seriously hurt someone, it can get you thrown in jail.

Martial arts and drinking... very bad combination... drinking and fitness.. even worse. Better stop drinking and going to bar! Advice for your son. Hope I made it simple.

You need to stay in the mat and I am not saying why and learn to do two or one supplement bains.

Speak to the insurance company and see what they think of this idea LOL.... that will be your answer

For some background, I'm in my mid 40's. In my younger days I was a college wrestler, and amateur boxer. My brother on the other hand was also a wrestler, but was into the Asian stuff. I gave all that up, but he ended up become a Judo instructor (and a cop). I'm a beer drinker, and so is my oldest son. He was a state champion wrestler, and is now into MMA, and Judo with my brother.

So here is the question. My brother is telling my son that if he is going to hang out in bars, that he should train while drinking sometimes. His theory is that he is most likely to be in a bar fight, if he gets in a fight. In that case he would be under the influence, and should be prepared to fight in that manor. Has anyone heard this before?

I can see the logic behind it, but this is a new one to me.

Thank you for your opinions.