Don't let the glitz of martial arts fool you. There are hundreds of martial arts hall of fame all over the world and most are if you pay the price in dollar figures (not even training) you get in. I have learned not to put too much into that either.
As a beginner just train, take it one day at a time and see where it takes you. By all means get off of the 'I am talented with lots of potential' trap. It will be your undoing if you don't.
You have any idea how many times this questions gets asked every day? If you want to be in the UFC and train MMA, then kenpo will do you little good. Go train MMA, what is the problem?
No one can tell you if you will be successful in the UFC. We can't predict the future. You might and never get the chance to compete in the UFC. Most people never get that opportunity.
Good Luck to you. I hope you have a back up plan just in case you don't make it big in the UFC
haha wow all asshole answers thank you douche bags
Il be 17 in a couple of days and just started training in Kenpo Jiujitsu and both my sensaies say I have a lot of potential my one sensai is a 5th degree black belt in the black belt hall of fame and I plan on training till I'm a black belt in Kenpo and I'm definitely going to proceed to learn bjj once I get enough money. My question is am I doing this right? Maybe if I do want to compete in ultimate fighting once I graduate high school. I just want to know if I have a chance I'm 5 foot 8 about 140 pounds I can tell I do have potential so any suggestions?