> Parkour and martial arts ?

Parkour and martial arts ?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
parkour is considered gymnastics. commonly known as "urban gymnastics". now if you are going to create a martial art you have to become a black belt in all the others. you cant train for a few months and assume your a karate master. ive been going for 4 years and i'm nowhere near as good as some of the black belts. so dont try to pass this on, however if you find ways to mix the 2. it CAN be lifesaving. parkour would be a great way to outrun a mugger after you thoroughly disarm and temporarily incapacitate him with a few karate tricks.

thank you everyone for your answer and opinions sorry if I got hostile towards your opinions of my foolish creativity but I am interested in martial arts so I may give the martial art boxing a go seeing as it would be a good basis to start of with thank you everyone very sorry again please forgive me

You have to define parkour more then we know.

Instead of talking about your own personal martial art, why don't you just take Capoeira? Your parkour means you are strong enough to do a lot of the difficult things they do that requires having a lot of core muscle strength. It's not a better martial art than any other one, but you sound like you'd probably like doing it.

Being able to vault over obstacles to do your kick is fun, but you don't need to make up a martial art to do that when you have tested martial arts systems already available. Thinking you can make a useful martial art without loads of experience in combat and training is actually very arrogant. I hope you don't continue to think that way.

You still have to have a base to go off of. Even if you're not directly copying an art, you'll still be basically pulling sh*t straight out your a$$ without any kind of mastery in some art, that involves palm strikes. Parkour is not a martial art. It's gymnastics. So knock that off your list of experience.

People that have successfully created arts, have had decades of martial arts experience. 4-5 months, is not a proper base, because you literally have an understanding of nothing. When you've stuck with an art for 20 years, then call me.

You need to get off of this subject. You will not be creating any new arts. I'm not trying to be mean, or discouraging, I'm trying to be realistic.

its considered gymnastics not martial arts.

the only thing you are going to create is a new mcdojo. you are not even considered a beginner in karate and think you can create a new style with zero experience. that is beyond laughable.

but go a head create a new style the only one you are fooling is yourself

Get some more martial arts expercience first. Read up on Bruce Lee's work aswell. Honestly it sounds fancy but not neccissary. Why not just kick someone in the nuts and run? Maybe you should put in more thought for the practicle application for the art.

That does sound like ninjas, but without the weapons. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninja It also sounds pretty ineffective to be honest. What if you trip and fall and the attacker now has you on the ground? Points for creativity, but lacking in execution.

Sounds like ninjas jumping out of trees onto their opponents so I don't think you have created something new there at all.

What is your obsession with creating a new martial arts and why do you think that you, with so little experience, can do it? What exactly is it that you can add that isn't available already? I think you are a naive little kid who thinks more about this stuff than actually practicing it. You've been watching too many movies.

I've been doing parkour for about 6 months now. I'm no expert by any means. I love it, I think it's a lot of fun but I can not think of anything worse to combine with self defense and martial arts. There is nothing worse you can do then take your eyes off your opponent, which is what you are talking about with your flips and your volts and what not. You are more interested in being cool then being efficient. You shouldn't be trying to create anything because you don't have the experience, the knowledge, the maturity to do it. And you lack the most crucial thing. You lack humbleness.

I was thinking of creating a new martial arts, now note I have only basic training in karate so about 4-5 months of martial arts expereince all together but I have done parkour for 2 years and still find ways to use it in my daily life. I want to mix Parkour and Martial arts together to make a new unique martial arts and of course i'm not expecting anyone to follow on train in this martial arts seeing as I have little expereince with martial arts but really I wanna make this as a personal martial arts now this parkour mixed with martial arts won't use any moves from original MA's it will use new moves I've created the corispond with the moves in parkour so whilst vaulting you could push your self of the obsticle your vaulting off if there's a preditor/enemy/attacker infront of you and kick them straight in the chest or stomach wounding them giving you time to escape so this martial arts will be used for defense that's the kind moves i mean or when jumping from a wall or small building and your landing but there is an attacker right were you land you can either whilst landing jump at them and right before landing push them to the ground or use a take down I will develop an effective take down to put them on the floor as you land to then go onto rolling or pushing up to run. this is what I mean by a new martial arts totally based on Parkour turning it from The Art Of Escaping to the Art Of Defense ??

What are your opinions on this depending on this ?? :D