> Oberyn Martel's fighting style?

Oberyn Martel's fighting style?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
KW is partly right. There are martial arts that are more show and flash aka "Art" then effective and there are some that are more application oriented aka Martial.

I disagree with his list as all arts have good and bad, but some like TKD are well known for not being taught for much more than sport.

My suggestion is to learn all you can and then find a good school with a good teacher. It'll take some time but it's worth it. In my own case it took me a couple of years until I stumbled across a Uechi Ryu class and I've trained ever since and love the art even though it wasn't exactly what I was looking for.

Mr. Pascal, the actor who played Martel in Game of Thrones, is not a trained martial artist. As is typically the case in action scenes, the actor appears when it's necessary for his face to be seen, and when the action sequences start his action double steps in to actually perform the moves.

Movie fight choreography is a very finely-tuned system that is designed to look good on screen and it has no relationship to any real martial art. All scenes are very carefully blocked out and rehearsed by the very skillful stunt doubles and the actual actor spliced in where necessary.

I would say that the fight scene involving Martel had elements of Wushu, medieval spear technique both from Europe and Japan, and more than a bit of "movie-fu". All that spinning around would get you killed in a hurry in a real fight...

Modern Wushu is called "cultural arts" by China. It consists of elements of various classical kung fu styles combined with Chinese traditional gymnastics and Chinese-opera play-fighting and even contemporary gymnastics.

It's designed to be entertaining and showy, and has nothing whatever to do with a practical fighting art.

Yeah you saw how well that worked out for him....If you bothered to watch that full episode, at the end of the fight, he had his skull crushed in.

None of that crap is in anyway street applicable. That stuff is meant for show and for choreography. That stuff will get you straight up killed in a street fight. Now if you want to be a gymnist/choreographer, that's one thing and Wushu and TKD will help you. But if you want to be able to realistically defend yourself, then that is not the path to go on. MMA, Muay Thai, BJJ, Judo, Boxing, Wrestling, Sambo, are the paths to go on.

I really want to learn to fight like oberyn Martel, but when I searched wushu (which is what he said it was) it just came up with ju jitsu, I want to learn the martial art what he uses which seems to me a bit like aikido. I know this from when I did taekwondo ( I placed first in the British fly weight championships) I quit taekwondo due to family reasons, and when I saw how oberyn controlled the spear and how fluid and acrobatic it was I instantly wanted to start learning! Pls help