Human body hasn't really changed so best method of using it really hasn't changed all that much. So people end up just try to simplify all the information that's out there and condense it for faster and more effective learning. So "new" martial arts hasn't really about creating new techniques, but simplifying and condensing the techniques already out there into easier to learn methods. The only really new techniques that can be invented I think is against newly invented weapons. As of right now the small firearms is the newest thing and that's around for few hundred years now. I would wait for the next new best weapon before I start really inventing any new techniques.
There's Rex Kwon Do
Yes, it's called MMA and it's garbage and a waste of time!!
All that anybody can get of of it is a good work out but you could always go to the gym for that :]
People say they invent a new martial art all of the time. But that is like reinventing the wheel. You can't recreate it. It has already been done. It already has a blue print. There are no new techniques. They are only being repackaged.
first off mma is not a fighting style its a training method. and it is not a new concept it use to be called shootfighting in the 70's be for that it was called cross training. styles have been being mixed for thousand of years its nothing new.
a style is constant from one school to the next, you would learn the same techniques, mma is not the same from one place to the next, they use different styles at each gym.
many have created new styles or think they have. most of them fail due to their lack of experience.
to create a style you need to be a 5th degree in at least one style and a 1st in another, as well as finding one of the few legitimate organizations that will recognize it
Everyone have slightly different style and if someone becomes famous and lots people follow then it becomes new style.
What's bad is things like mma/Brazilian jujitsu is that they learn fighting and missing proper discipline/moral teachings.
Bruce Lee but thats not very new.
has anybody invented a new martial art or fighting style ?