> Nervous about my black belt test?

Nervous about my black belt test?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Don't focus so much on the people. When you do your forms there should be just you and your forms and your focus on good techniques. Everything else should be gone from your mind while you are doing the form. This takes practice so maybe you haven't run your forms often enough yet to get to the point where nothing but your form matters. Here is a little exercise for you. Go to your local public park (the more crowded the better) and run your forms there. You'll become used to having people around you and not pay attention to them but your forms instead. Works wonders.

Black belt... Forms....

I am very sorry for you.

You will do fine. Treat it as though you are just in a normal class that day for an extended time. Take a load of supplements for a few days before, eat whatever will help to keep you hydrated and stay very extra healthy in your diet that week. It's all in your mind, let it go, relax. It's just another class with a lot of people.

You seem dedicated which is great but...

Dedicate yourself to a schools that will teach something you can use and not fund the owners retirement by "teaching" what they know won't help you.

And 1 water break? Wow that's great, yea shows your endurance until one day, as high school football and B Ball coaches have found out, can kill a person/kid. That's just plain stupid. Your not in battle anywhere, and if you were forms would get you killed.

Sorry that seems harsh to you but I don't mean to be. I just get angry when someone like you is willing to put in time and effort and get saddled with a school only out for $$$

I hope you get the belt and I hope you look for a school that will allow you to grow beyond forms.

I hate to break it to you but you don't sound ready. Barely passing and blanking out aren't signs of a black belt.

Liondancer is right you should be ignoring everything and everyone and just worrying about your forms, and anything else you need to do.

My suggestion is to get yourself ready in the next week or so. Work on your focus and practice. Practice all you can and work on tuning out everything that isn't necessary to doing well. If you can manage that you'll go from not being ready to doing great.

Now I hope this doesn't sound harsh as I suspect that you can do great but you need to be in the right frame of mind. So GET THERE. It's what black belts do, and if you want to be one of us then get past it and do it!

I am nervous to even get a brown belt in Kajukenbo because I gained so much weight when my grandma passed on and my best friend and between me and him called each other cousins but I dont say it like that to his dad I just say Hi so good luck remember if your really like it might the moment because I try to think about what if I think about one class at a time after I get a good job.

Don't worry, you'll fail

So I have my test on June 14th and I'm really nervous because #1 I have to know 7 different type of forms, #2 I don't have the greatest endurance (it's a 4 hour test and it's almost all exercise and u only get 1 water break) and #3, there are going to be a bunch of people from different tae kwon do schools so the place is going to be packed with people from all around. I mainly nervous because I have to do all my 7 forms (about 20-25 moves each form) in front of all these people on my own! We also did have a black belt pre-test that I barely passed since I was really nervous when I did my forms. I know my forms really good but when I'm really nervous and have to do it in front of a bunch of people, my mind goes blank. What can I do to feel less nervous during the test?