> Need to fight someone taller than me?

Need to fight someone taller than me?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
get in close, if your farther away from him then he can hit you with all his force and extend his arms out. so tay in close and just hit as hard as you can . rush him

First off, let me begin by saying that i am not encouraging you to go pick a fight with my advice, but if i were in your shoes, i'd remember a few things i had learned growing up and again in the army. One being that a collar bone breaks easily with a not so huge amount of force. Second being that a "hammer fist" (make a fist and slam the bottom of it into the opponent like swinging a hammer) is extremely effective, and that the height advantage can be a blessing in disguise. If i were to fight someone taller, id stay close and go for bashing him up with pure force. And id remember that body shots are just as effective as cleaning my opponents clock. Be careful and make sure Youre doing the right thing. A man can fight but a bigger man can walk away.

so long story short my friend of 13 years has been talking **** and telling my girlfriend that ive been doing drugs and drinking which i havent. since he was my best friend ive let it off the hook like 4 times now but today he told her that i got drunk n cheated on her. he breaks up so many couples at my school and i think thats what hes trying to do. so now im gonna fight him. i have experience in fighting and he doesnt, were both 16 btw, but back to the story. im gonna fight him and i feel like he deserves it. i know ill win, im 90% sure, the thing is.. im 5"6 hes 6"1. ive never fought anyone that much taller than me and i just need to know like how im gonna do this... was hoping to get some fighting guides on fighting someone taller. and once again im not afraid and i know i can win but i just want like strategy on taking him. and no dont say i picked a bad fight cause i didnt. hes been easing it on. in order to protect my relationship i feel like i gotta do this.!