> Need some advice for an mma fight.?

Need some advice for an mma fight.?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
First of all what makes you think you are going to fight a guy who is any different or maybe his coach either. Your opponent could be a kick boxer with several fights or a boxer with several fights or more but yet 0-0-0 in MMA. You can discuss this with your coach and should but I would not lose too much sleep over this and instead focus on my training and fight preparation. You will find if you continue fighting that there is a lot of gamesmanship that gets played in the fight game by everyone and some will even take it to the point of breaking the rules or cheating. I was quite good at gamesmanship but never took it to the extent of cheating or breaking the rules.

Secondly when I was sometimes matched with a guy that apparently was in over his head I would hold off on hurting him some or knocking him out even once I had the fight won by the number of rounds taken. A few times I even told them afterwards they had no business in the ring until they got a new coach and improved in their skills and ability and someone else would probably really hurt them; most took that advice.

As you already have discovered there is more to fighting than just getting out there and fighting like you did your first few fights. You sound like a decent sort and so I understand the reason for the question but I stand on what I said in the first paragraph. The only other advice I can give you is let your fighting and the way you carry yourself in and outside the ring or cage speak for you and establish who you are in the fight business and train for every fight and never lose one because you didn't train like you should. That is how people will judge you along with how you carry yourself when you lose as well as when you win.

Honestly this sounds a bit weird. Why would you have a promoter? I know people who have 70-80 fights under their belt and they don't have promoters. A promoter implies that there is money involved, since I doubt they work for free. And I very much doubt that someone with that few fights has money involved in his fights. It just doesn't make sense to me.

And I disagree with you on that not being a fair fight. Everything up to 5 fights is very much a newbie, a beginner. You are still learning and so is that other guy. Had you had 15 fights or even 10 fights it would be unfair. But since you've had 4, with one victory it's not unfair in any way.

I agree with ?. Unfortunately much more is involved in fighting then just fighting. A lot of politics and how you play the game matters a lot too. Talk to your promoter, coach or whatever you call him to ease your mind. Otherwise just focus on the fighting.

Someone such as KW cloud answer this better, but I'm pretty sure that if the fights weren't sanctioned then your trainer is right and you're technically 1-0. And in fact, he has to report it that way.

try google it also

Alright so my amateur mma "career" started off extremely rocky. I started off 0-3. My first two fights i didn't even train at an actual gym so obviously I had really no chance of winning and it didn't help that the dudes i fight had a lot more experience then I did. Third fight i actually joined a gym but didn't train smart. So after about a year of training and working on getting better i took my fourth fight which was this past February and i came away with the win. So that puts my record at 1-3. I'm at a new gym now and my coach wants me to take a fight here in about 6 weeks which i have no problem with but the thing is he is telling the promoter I'm 1-0 which i just found out today and I know he knows my actual record but apparently my first three fights didn't count because they were not sanctioned. I personally don't think it'd be fair for me to fight a debut guy or some guy with just one fight because this will be my 5th fight so I'm just having a hard time deciding if I want to go through with this mainly because I'd feel like a cheater if I did. Anyways any type of advise would be greatly appreciated.