> My parents don't support me practicing mma?

My parents don't support me practicing mma?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Boxing is actually more dangerous that MMA. In Boxing, when you're knocked down you're given many opportunities to get back up and keep taking damage. In MMA, when you're knocked down, you're done.

MMA has a rougher image than TKD or wrestling. It looks more violent and it's culture looks more violent. So I don't blame you're parents for feeling that way. Explain to them that you only intend to learn MMA and not actually fight in MMA, meaning you won't be taking up any cage fights, you'll merely be practicing in the safety of a gym, and the reality is, this is just as safe as TKD and wrestling is.

Good luck

your 18 and your mommy still tells you what to do? It high time you grow up, get a job and move out of you parent's basement. If you have moved out already then what do you care if they support you practicing anything. at that point what does it matter what they think

My mom doesn't like sports period so the fact that it's violent only makes her disapproval worst. And for some weird reason my dad would rather I do boxing because he feels it's "safer" which doesn't make much sense especially since I've never really trained in boxing before. It's weird I'm 18 so my dad doesn't outwardly say that he doesn't agree because technically I can do it anyway but he hints that he doesn't want me to do it. I just think it's strange because all through out my childhood they were cool with me playing football and wrestling and competing in tae kwon do tournaments but as soon as I mention mma it's either my mom questioning why I would want to fight people and my dad just being biased towards boxing I guess. I'm still going to do it. But I guess my question is why would they be okay with those other rough contact sports and not be cool with mma?