> My knee is tingly and numb after falling on it?

My knee is tingly and numb after falling on it?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Stop practicing for today. Ice it for 20 mins., then let it rest for 20 mins., repeat this process for 2 hrs.. Take 1 hr. out, then repeat process again. Do NOT walk on it more than necessary, and if you have a light hinged, or flexible brace, you should put it on. At your earliest opportunity contact your coach and trainer and let them know about the issue, they can probably help you more than anyone else in rehabbing in the short time you have.

Ice it to reduce the swelling. The accumulation of fluids to the injured area may impair your blood supply a little so it feels tingly, kind of like when one of your limbs goes to sleep on you if you don't move for a long time. Rest so you can heal. If it does not get better in a few days see a doctor. As for your fight you are just going to have to wait and see and don't do anything else stupid in the meantime.

I do mma and i was shadowboxing a kick(kicking the air for form) and my foot came out from under me. I fell face down on the mat and my knee hit the ground pretty hard. it is tingly and numb in spots. its a little swollen too. i can walk and i can bend it fine though it hurts a little bit. Why is it tingly? should I go see a doctor? I have a fight this weekend. i have until friday night for it to be better. what can i do to help it?