> Muy Thai in order to tone my body?

Muy Thai in order to tone my body?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Here's my advice. Any martial art uses pretty much the whole body and requires strength, agility, balance, speed, endurance... All the things that make up "fitness".

Muay Thai uses the whole body... Fists, elbows, feet, knees... All to throw a variety of blows. So, for physical conditioning... Top marks.

However... Never get in the ring. Never spar at full power and never without safety equipment, especially headgear.

Muay Thai is not a self defense system. It is a brutal ring sport. Matches are commonly won by knockout.

In case you have been ignoring the news for the last couple of years, knockouts and concussions are BAD NEWS.

Early-onset Alzheimers. Parkinson's disease. Cognitive impairment. Memory loss. Etc, etc. It's a major scandal in many sports.

A commentator said of Muay Thai..."In Thailand, fighters start young and careers are short."

Stay out of the ring. You can get the same physical benefits from any martial art.

Also, as I said, Muay Thai is NOT a self-defense system. You fight in a ring, with rules and a referee. You wear gloves. Your opponent will be of a similar size and skill level.

Do you think that will be the case on the street?

In my personal experience I think Muay Thai and kickboxing is great for losing weight and toning the body. In all the muay thai and kickboxing(actual and cardio variations both) classes I seen most of the members are unusually full of lean people. I think that is probably result of the training. With that said if you want to be sculpting the body to a certain form that is the expertise of body builders and they'll be able to help you with that more than anything else(like muay thai or kickboxing) will.

Muay Thai in and of itself won't necessarily tone you up. It may help, though, considering the other activities you're currently pursuing. Primarily, Muay Thai will help you learn to fight. 3-4 times a week is excellent and you'll find that Muay Thai works very different muscle groups than you're used to (i.e. your neck in the clinch). It's also a form of exercise that is actually fun and that serves a real purpose aside from just getting fit. I would definitely recommend it.

Go for it.

It's more useful than a gym membership. Drills, sparring, and heavy bag work will tone your body, without becoming masculine. The discipline you learn in class, will help you to stay thin.

Probably help you alot.

I am a 20 year old female, and over the last year I have worked really hard to lose weight and get into shape. I started running like crazy, started eating healthy, and I've lost 25 pounds. I am at the weight I want to be at, but now I want to start toning my body.

I am very solid, I am starting to see abs, and you can see my muscle when I flex, but I really want to get really toned, not too bulky, but toned.

I started going to the gym 5 days a week, and am lifting regularly, I still run a lot and am starting to do yoga, but I am considering taking up Muy Thai.

I love the idea of learning something about self defense (which I know muy thai can provide me) but I was wondering how well Muy Thai will help me tone up? Over the summer, I want to spend all of my time and effort toning my body and gaining muscle, and I think that Muy Thai as well as weight training regularly should help me get there, but I want some opinions from others as well.

Is muy thai a good route to go? What progress and results should I expect from going to Muy Thai 3-4 times a week?