> Muay Thai sucks for round kicks!?

Muay Thai sucks for round kicks!?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 

Why do you constantly feel the need to pretend you're somebody knowledgeable? You can't even grasp the basics of biomechanical movement, anatomy or the sport of Muay Thai. Go to a gym and train and stop with this youtube keyboard warrior ****. You aren't going to invent anything new especially when you've proven yourself to be no better than a beginner.

There is nothing worse than a critic who is nothing more.


if you want my friend does muay thai, i can introduce you too him, and he can roundhouse kick you. after he breaks your rips with the kick you can continue to explain why it didnt work.

does this work for you

I think you and all your different accounts are full of $hit and you ask the dumbest questions. So all I'm going to say to this question is your mama.

I don't see that kick as being super strong. It is telegraphed and he is on his toes. Doesn't appear all that stable to get maximum power. I'm not saying it is weak but up on your toes like that can't provide that much stability when hitting something/someone heavy

Alright... So you say that Muay Thai kicks suck, and then you say that it's because they don't turn their hips a certain way. Then you provide no example of the type of hip turning you think is better and provide no alternative kicks as a counter example. On top of this I really don't see how what you describe makes for a weak kick. So what the hell are you talking about exactly and what do you consider to be a better kick? Because I get the feeling that you have no clue what you're talking about.

Martial arts is only for people who want instructors that teach you to select your spouse.

Here is a very clear instructional video for the most commonly thrown Muay Thai round kick, the kick is powered by him THRUSTING his hips foward not via him rotating his hips, but because he is standng on one leg and thrusting his hips diagonally that almost linear force gets channeled into rotational force.

I was always under the impression that they rotated their hips like a boxer rotates his hips when he throws a punch but it looks like they dont.

Anyway heres the technique video instruction.


Now look at one of the most powerful kickers in muay thai history he uses the same kicking technique, no direct hip rotation just indirect rotation from a hip thrust, the same thrust you use to throw a weak teep/push kick.


Now look at Buakaw one of the best low kickers of the modern age, again the same kick this is the most commonly used kick in muay thai, yet it is weak as hell compared to other ways of throwing the round kick.


Conclusion: Muay thai sucks for round kicks.

Sure its better than some traditional styles for round kicks power wise, and sure they still cause KO's but they all use that super popular weak version of the round kick, that doesnt use direct hip rotation, but rather uses a hip thrust, this is by far the most Muay Thai