> Muay Thai and Jiu-Jitsu?

Muay Thai and Jiu-Jitsu?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Is that a good combo for MMA?

I can't really decide. Muy thai includes alot of well landed blows which are great for MMA. Jiu jitsu however includes alot of great grapples and moves to get your opponent on the ground while still on him. Both are perfect for MMA. Hope I helped :D.

If you can study under a good instructor, that's all that matters. Why not study both? Me, I enjoy studying just one because many traditional arts include every element of self defense. No art is superior to another. Arts are like instruments waiting to be played. They make no music on their own. You will simply be studying as thousand of amateur mma fighters before you have just studying those two. To the untrained eye some would say when we go to the ground it's Brazilian jujitsu. I would say you are just seeing newaza. To the individual seeing us drilling kicks, they may say we are kyukushin or taekwondo based, that day. Not at all, our art just is very rounded. Don't get too boggled down by this art or another. Just learn from a qualified instructor. Maybe even just fine an art you like being trained by a great instructor. It may be one or both of those arts. Or neither.

hmmmml, yeah. Personally I go for muay thai, boxing, judo, and bjj.

I however do yaw yan, dumog, bjj and sikaran

Yep, very good.

Sure, why not :]

Is that a good combo for MMA?