> Most lethal form of martial arts?

Most lethal form of martial arts?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Doesn't sound like you have an art problem. Sounds like you have a dojo problem. Most established martial arts can be realistic and lethal, but it depends on the philosophy and teachings of the individual dojos. Obviously if your current dojo is training you for competition, they are not going to teach you anything that would disqualify you on the mat. Try finding a Tae Kwon Do dojo in your area that is less focused on trophies, and more focused on the actual art. If you can not, or you are dead set on finding another art, see what your area has to offer, in other martial arts. I shy away from giving you specific arts, because they would be based on my specific area's dojos. The same arts in your location would give a completely different experience.

Historically, it was the single technique focus warriors, focusing on simple to do applications that weren't part of any system. The system of ryu and martial art families came after that period.

The easiest to learn, the simplest to master, lethal force techniques were the ones humans first learned. Then later they refined it, so that they could use non lethal joint locks or other techniques, but they were much more difficult to master and use.

In the modern world, it would be the systems that focus on simple applications, re developing methods using an ancient methodology, like Target Focus Training.

Older systems suffer from group think or large organization defects like lack of initiative. No matter how large your organization, they won't be there backing you up in a life or death fight, you have to do all the fighting. That's another difference from the Ancient times.

Never seen real Taek Won Do, have you? Unfortunately, most Taek Won Do taught in the United States is for sports anymore but this is not what Taek Won Do was intended for. Read this book and learn about the history of your martial art. At a second degree black belt it is high time that you do:

A Killing Art: The Untold History of Tae Kwon Do by Alex Gillis


systems/arts/styles are not "lethal" or "practical" or "the best" because it isn't the style that is having the fight, yo don;t take you TKD out of your pocket and hit someone with it. It's the person in the fight that counts, and there are skilled people that can make any art work, just as there are crap people in every art that can;t make it work.

If there was one "best/effective/lethal" style don't; you think we'd all be doing it? There is no such thing, there is only the style that suits you best.

Yea there all good there all lethal. Two schools of thought one being do a bunch of combat sports and then test yourself in nhb then learn self defense stuff. Or practice real martial arts and probably get a bunch of serious injuries. My friend who did wing Chung has scars all over his body where his teacher got a real knife and attacked him then got people of the street to do it. The scars are from narrowly avoiding stabs he did judo for 10 Yeats first before he started doing that ****. It changed him and he almost killed someone at a judo comp for breaking his arm.

Any martial art can be lethal under the right instructor BUT the instructor has to have a firm understanding of the human body and most do not. Most "martial artist" train for sport which is the weakest form of martial arts. From my experience, to get the lethal version of any art you will have to do one of two things, study Clinical anatomy and train at the country of origin.

If you look into how to destroy the body, even a sport martial art can be changed to the original lethality. consider reading this to show you how to make your art lethal.


if this works for you consider getting this:


Simple - learn an art that is trained in by today's military experts, not one that was developed 100 years ago as simplified moves to teach kids

Let me first off say that I am not a novice to martial arts I am a second degree black belt in tae kwon do but I am not na?ve and understand that tae kwon do is more or less a martial arts for point sparring not very realistic for street fights I also don't believe that MMA boxing kickboxing etc. etc. is realistic for street fights either because it too is also more or less for competitive fighting my question is this all biased opinions aside what is the most cutthroat form of martial arts would it be russian systema Filipino Kali or something that I haven't heard of I want to study something that is extremely lethal for self protection in street fights any other added information would be greatly appreciated thank you