> Modern Day Mixed Martial Artists vs. Warrior(Viking/Spartan)?

Modern Day Mixed Martial Artists vs. Warrior(Viking/Spartan)?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Who do you think is going to win? If they fight with bare hands?

Fantasy match ups don't really belong outside of the fantasy sports area, but I'll humor you. Since this is an obvious "for fun" topic, I'll say an MMA fighter would win in the majority of match ups unarmed and without armor because that's what they train for. Vikings and Spartans may have trained and fought to some extent without their weapons and armor, but I would bet that the amount they did pales in comparison. Vikings and Spartans fought with weapons, and I would bet they trained with weapons above all else. An MMA fighter is an unarmed fighting specialist.

an mma (misnomer) artist knows the different aspects

of fighting namely ground clinch and striking

chances are spartans only knew a bit of both relegating

the skill and know how of where the fight should be dictated

by the mma guy ,on this knowledge alone the bookies would

favor the mma guy 2 to 1 to upwards to 10 to 1

But this is only heresay with too many x-factors involved

relegating this question into the wasteland

I'm torn between siding with Glutton 4 Punishment (Good to see you back champ and I hope it's not cause you're busted up again) callsignfuzzy and this Tyrone fellow.

On one hand Glutton and Callsign are right about modern MMA practitioners being better trained for the situation because it is what they do, that's their job and they've got the better training and neutritional science to back them being physically superior.

Tyron brings up a good point about the Spartans 'They were trained to kill and maim from a young age'. That alone isn't what makes me agree with Tyson on the Spartans though.

Spartans were put in training camps then thrown out into the wild to fend for themselves for several months and simply didn't survive to adulthood unless they took those lessons on board and had the physical toughness to put that training into action on the other side of the story not all Mixed Martial Artists are professional level so there is a very high chance that any chosen adult Spartan could hold his own in a fight, even stand up to a goodly level of Mixed Martial Artist.

Competative Mixed Martial Artists on the other hand can range from respectable amature to elite professional but to my thinking ANY Spartan surviving to adulthood would slaughter a respectable amature.

Adult Spartan vs pro level Mixed Martial Artist if we make this more specific makes me side more towards Glutton's and Callsign's side of the argument. Like I said about Spartans having what it takes to survive to adulthood to become a professional MMA fighter you have to display all the goods, both physical and mental and I think a pro level Mixed Martial Artist would have the toughness, skill and physical superiority to put all but the most elite hand to hand specialising Spartan adults down for the count.

if they fight without rules, mma fighters would win because they know how to counter

I would say a spartan. They were trained to kill and maim from a very young age. They fought with no rules. Modern mma fighters have rules.

Odds are with modern fighters. They know more about fighting. They're in better shape, with a better diet. It's basically a match between an ancient archer and a modern sniper.

The modern day fighter would be destroyed by the Norseman or Spartan from a few hundred years ago.


Because modern man is too soft. I don't care how hard you think you are training. Modern man is soft and squishy, compared to man before the industrial revolution.


Who do you think is going to win? If they fight with bare hands?