> Mixed martial arts or kickboxing in SC?

Mixed martial arts or kickboxing in SC?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
They both sound like a great workout!!

This place looks pretty good: http://www.academyofshotokan.com/

Jim Logue was a very good insttructor that had a Dojo in Lexington. He passed away a year or so ago. If his dojo is still open then it would be a place I'd check out. Jim Logue was the most senior student of master Seiyu Oyata. If you have not heard of Oyata look him up on youtube.........


The decison is your!

I am looking for an actual gym or a place were I can train, have fun and get into shape while at the same time learn some self-defense. I live in Batesburg so the closest place is Lexington. Does anyone know any places that offer self-defense classes for adults? I've googled and googled and came across one but it was karate for kids. Can someone please help me?