> Mix martial arts?

Mix martial arts?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I understand your feeling. I too dislike ground fighting. I find it boring and I prefer to stay on my feet, but it is EXTREMELY essential to learn in the field of MMA and in general.

If a fight goes to the ground you will end up in an uncomfortable position and your ability to perform will be limited at best, and you may lose the fight.

A-lot of fighter these days are leaning more into the field of BJJ and Wresting rather than having TRUE solid professional boxing/mauy thai skills (like Anderson Silva in his prime, Jon Jones, and other renowned strikers). Why? Bc striking is harder. Any fool can throw punches in a synchronized manner, but to have perfect timing, set up, etc, etc, to be untouchable is another story.

Please understand I am NOT demeaning ground game bc GG is very difficult, demanding, and exhausting.

But in todays time or at least more often, expect to go to the ground. People love ground and pound! I love ground and pound. Nothing is more satisfying to take some smack talking opponent to the ground and gashing their head open with an elbow.

In short, I agree with KW. You may not like it, but it is essential to learn.

you can do either TaeKwonDo or kung fu or karate

I reccomend kung fu or karate

Maybe you would like Tae Kwon Do, Muay Thai, and/or American kickboxing for your striking, and wrestling and/or judo for the takedowns.

Keyboard Warrior is correct!

Kajukenbo with Jeet Kune Do Mind.

I want to start taking fight lessons but I'm not sure what style of fighting I should get into, I want to focus mainly on kick boxing and take downs I'm not as into submissions so I'm wondering if there is a style of fighting that's designed just for kick boxing and take downs