> Martial arts related to BJJ?

Martial arts related to BJJ?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 

In a street fight or a self-defense situation you won't have the "luxury" of getting to decide whether someone gets "too close" to you when they're beating you to a pulp because you decided that BJJ and other grappling systems weren't "your thing."

As far as pressure point fighting arts are concerned, do an internet search for schools in your area that teach Dim Mak or Atemi. Two traditional arts that teach many takedown moves are Judo and Aikido. As far as a school being affordable or too expensive to train in, that has to do with your personal budget verses how much each individual school charges. The average monthly fee in the United States is $110, but it could cost you less per month if you sign a long contract.

If you want any grappling art then guess what, you cant be the type of person who doesnt like someone in your personal space, doesnt matter if this is any form of wrestling, Judo or Jujitsu etc.. if this is your problem and something that you really think seriously about then martial arts is not where your head is at so stick to knitting or fishing or something else. If your mind isnt with martial arts completely then you will either end up hurt or end up hurting someone else.

Sorry i just call it as i see it

So I tried Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (I originally took Kempo), and I enjoyed being able to used pressure points to over take my opponent. However, I have a problem with personal space and rolling with someone of the opposite gender (which is stupid because if I were defending myself I really wouldn't have a choice). I'm just not personally in favor of having my face near someone's crotch and vice-versa. So is there another martian art that uses more take-downs and pressure points that isn't so "intimate" (or expensive to train)?