> Martial arts questions PLEASE HELP?

Martial arts questions PLEASE HELP?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Well there are a number of things you can do to begin to determine what you are looking for in a martial art...

1) First and foremost, find out what schools are available within a commutable distance.

2) Identify what your training goals are - self defense, personal interest, hobby, professional fighting, etc.?

3) What kind of arts appeal to you? - striking (punching/kicking), grappling, throws, weapons, etc.

4) How much are you willing to spend and how often are you available to train?

5) Do you care if it is a traditional style or a modern style?

Once you have some of that information, begin to cross off schools from Q.1 that don't fit with the answers to Q2-5. With the schools or styles that remain, begin to do more detailed research such as looking up the history of the style, checking out videos, etc. Once you've narrowed it down to a handful of schools that you are interested in, then begin contacting the schools to observe a class and meet with the instructors. In some cases, some schools may offer a trial class that you can participate in.

Ultimately, you want to find something that you enjoy doing. It doesn't matter if it is the most effective art on the planet, if you hate it then there is a high probability of dropping out before you get any real benefit of the art, plus it is hard to retain information or stay motivated when you don't like what you are doing. Keep in mind it can takes years of dedicated practice in any martial art to really start to be competent in a self-defense scenario.

Singles martial arts is eaiser like Jiu Jitsu and Kick boxing but combat martial arts is tough cause you might have to take more supplements or eat more cause its more aggressive and takes more endurance and thought its not easy and I dont think I want to teach any martial arts unless all other parts expect combat karate in life get easier for me to bad for all the people who said I should get a brown then black belt if I might say they never cared if I could balance my life clean my liver lungs and heart and bank account.

I have a few questions im looking to do martial arts and i like alot but i want whats best for me can people who have experience please tell me what martial arts are good to learn for proper self defense.