> Martial arts instructors: how should I handle this situation?

Martial arts instructors: how should I handle this situation?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I think you probably hit the nail on the head in that he needs Janet, even as bad as she is. There also might be some other reasons unknown to you and as I see it you can do one of three things. One would be for you to sit down with the owner and have a talk with him and add your voice to those others which may or may not have and affect on things or change them in any way.

Another is you can continue yourself to do a good job and right by those that you encounter and work with in class and ignore Janet and her lack of ability and be a rock for those that seek help while avoiding her.

A third course of action and I hesitate to suggest this because it really could backfire and affect in a negative way the relationship you have with Janet in so far as you co-teaching together. That would be to sit down with her and tell her some of this and give her some examples of where she has fallen short with students and her approach and give her some suggestions to help her become better at working with and teaching others. This last thing could back fire though and really create in some ways more turmoil for students and within the classes and between you and her and so this last course of action should be carefully considered.

As for Andy I have to wonder about him and where he is at with all this and his school and students. One of the things that I never allowed was any of my black-belts or those that I paid to help teach in my schools and classes to compromise my standards and students reaching their fullest potential and meeting those standards. Any instructor that does really compromises his own standards and integrity and will end up with watered down versions of the real thing. Today in much of martial arts this is one of the things wrong with martial arts is that too many instructors water things down or allow them to be watered down for the sake of convenience or greater profit. Andy should be dealing with this situation and having that talk with Janet instead of you and helping her to become a better instructor. Then it would more likely be accepted by Janet and maybe things improved there instead of you doing it and it maybe not being received very well if at all.

Sounds like it's Andy's business, for some reason he must have confidence in her, being unpopular with some doesn't mean she is bad for the club.

I agree with samuraiwarrior,

But also i feel it is more the owner or senior instructor to be on top of this. After all he is the one that is responsible for the entire program.

I would do one of two two things, either approach him your self or direct the complaints to approach him on the matter.

I'm a 2nd-dan black-belt in Tae Kwon Do, and I've found myself in a bit of a situation at my club. I am a qualified deputy instructor with a view to qualifying fully as an instructor early next year. I help teach at my instructor's classes twice a week. I'm going to use pseudonyms to refer to people at my club, as talking about them by name without their permission could be considered disrespectful.

There is another deputy instructor, Janet, who is a 1st-dan black-belt and also helps to teach at the classes I teach at. Janet has become rather unpopular within the club for various reasons, mainly that she looks down on everyone and isn't very good at teaching (for example, she told someone they were doing a kick "wrong" without explaining why it was "wrong" and then gave them 20 press-ups for doing it "wrong" again).

At least 7 people (students, parents and other deputy instructors) have complained directly to my instructor, Andy, about Janet and they have largely felt ignored. Andy has very large classes (of about 40-50) and as such needs plenty of help to run each class, which is why I think he has ignored their complaints; he needs Janet just as an extra hand to help run the class.

There are other deputy instructors in our area who could easily replace Janet if she left (I can think of at least 5), but all of them avoid our class because they are repelled by Janet.

What should I do, if anything, about this situation?

What do you think Andy should do?