> Martial arts and the dojo?

Martial arts and the dojo?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
If adults and kids are mixed then someone is getting cheated. Kids classes are not the same as adult classes. If you are catering to the kids then the adults are definitely not getting what they should be getting out of the classes and if you are catering to the adults you are teaching kids things they should not be taught. some things are the same as the basics and the moves of a Kata but that is only a small percentage you should be taught in class. Partner drills and bunkai and much more details in a technique than a kid could ever grasp should be the majority of the training. I put older kids in with my adults ever once in a great while as a treat just to keep kids motivated and to let them see where the training is going down the road. BUT the kids stay in the adult class only about 45 minutes and then are dismissed early and the adults get to train what they usually train for the rest of the time. My classes last at least 1 1/2 hours. For the kids it gives them a boost but they still have their regular kids classes and the adults have their adult classes.

Calisthenics with Karate is OK but I feel that supplemental training should be don on one's own time. Martial arts classes are there to teach martial arts and I often do not find enough time to cover everything in class. If I added calisthenics to my classes too then there is even less time to teach martial art. If you need to do things like that in your class to fill the time then you don't have enough martial arts yet to teach.

Depends liondancer in judo its a custom to train with all age groups. The only difference between there training an the adults is arm bars,strangles and Kata and full contact training forms that are beyond the sport of judo. It's actually quite easy to have kids running with adults if you save the heavy conditioning for your own time and you still get 2 hours of good training. Maybe there just not exposed to grappling at your school.enough and don't respect it. Sometimes I get a kid or two that laughs at what I practice I dont care. All arts teaching what they do the right way have high drop out rates. Its up to your personalilty to keep people at the club. I must admit on occasion my teacher can sacrifice tradition abit to make the class still good training but desirable for little kids.

I feel the pain of students in mixed ages classes. But, until people are willing to pay, they need to get what they get. The adults could always see about getting private lessons from the instructor, away from the kids. People offer classes with kids and adults together because of Economics.

Currently karate clubs seem to cater for an mixed age group audience eg kids and adults in one class , Which is fine except when doing bunko I have noticed that kids seem to just laugh erratically whenever someone is thrown or in a takedown also the attrition and drop out rate of Karate is high amongst little kids as they don't see the essence of karate thy want a black belt now not in 5-7 years time, so my question is would it be advisable to make adult not classes in karate once I qualify and get a teaching certificate in years to come? Also is it worth doing calisthenics with karate ?