> Martial arts: What keeps you so disciplined?

Martial arts: What keeps you so disciplined?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
As a really lazy person, I need to know..

Is it an emotion - fear of something, desire for power, boredom, etc.

Or is it something else

If you mean why someone continues to train systematically and continuously for decades, it can be basically due to endorphins (some call them the hormones of happiness). The same applies to other ways of training, like fitness training, playing tennis e.t.c Many are wondering how can someone keeps training 3-4 times per week for decades...but when they start they continue:) A key word for this is endorphins.

Yes. It is love.

Love for martial arts.

For learning

For teaching

For sparring

For katas

For the responsibility you have, having the ability to defend yourself but also the control to not kill your opponent.

Discipline? More like control.

If you do not love what you are doing, you will not be successful at it.

People often ask questions on here about being forced to do martial arts. That is wrong. There's a reason its called martial arts. Once you find the balance between martial and artist, you will be a great martial artist.

People sometimes judge me on here because I'm young. Its true. I pale in comparison to the 47 years of martial arts some of you have. But I have been training in martial arts all my life. I will train until it is impossible, no matter what obstacles you encounter. There is nothing like martial arts. That is why I train.

Those emotions are wrong reasons. Fear is often what gets people into martial arts. Its rarely why they stay. Power, yes it is good to be powerful but power corrupts you. If you train for power and not control you will go down a dark road. Bordom is the worst reason to take martial arts. It should not be "Oh, nothing better to do, lets go half A$s an hour of martial arts!" No. It should be what you look forward to every day.

Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to go train in Muay Thai and BJJ.

Why do you brush your teeth every morning? Same reason. It's good for your health, it's part of your life that it just doesn't feel right without it and it's so routine you don't even think about it anymore and just do it because it is there. Are you familiar with mushin (no mind)? That too is part of it. It is not mushin when you have to think about your training instead of just doing it without thinking and contemplating of why and if I want to train or not.

I would suggest you to learn kick boxing.It helps to move every muscle of your body and also makes us feel active and less tidy.

As a really lazy person, I need to know..

Is it an emotion - fear of something, desire for power, boredom, etc.

Or is it something else