> Martial artists, all a bunch of inadequates?

Martial artists, all a bunch of inadequates?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I think that if someone is training in a martial art, then they probably have a very good reason for doing so. I was bullied as a child until I took up Jeet Kune Do Concepts and began "owning" the bullies. The next martial art I took was BJJ, which made me all the more formidable. You never want to assume that someone who studies martial arts is "inadequate." Chances are, they could give you an "adequate" butt kicking.

Of course there are some. There are plenty of "inadequate" people drawn to all sorts of hobbies for all kinds of reasons. I would not say that physical inadequacy is the main reason overall to join a martial art. Life and it's activities takes all kinds. No one is perfect, all are inadequate in some way.

There are plenty of "inadequate" people on this site alone, just look how some get offended by your question and show weakness by insulting you. Takes all types.......

I think there is a diversion from the physical in the first world society in general due to our comfort and safety level. Martial arts and other physical discipline(such as sports or non-sportive exercise) is a good way to keep in touch with the physical for both physical body needs and mentally keeping ourselves on the ground.(Rather than losing ourselves in the abstract like losing oneself in social pressure and not being able to see other aspects in life)

I prefer martial training over other physical disciplines because I can have direct use of this training outside of sportive context. For example basketball is great sport, but outside of the game of basketball I can't apply the skill set gained directly to any other part of my life, where as I can train martial arts in training and sportive context and apply it as self defense in my regular life. I think there are limited amount of physical activities that can claim such direct use(running, cycling, weight training, and etc.) and martial arts is the one that I prefer out of all of them.

Everyone is inadequate in one thing or another, rather that's pertaining to martial arts, or something completely different.

We are not perfect. An example:

My footwork with the katana has gotten a bit inadequate. My instructor kept targeting my lead leg in practice, constantly hitting me there, until he decided to send a message with a sharp smack to my right knee. Hurt like hell. Made the point I need to emphasize on my footwork.

Don't feed the trolls!!!!

When you click on a post and you see who it is, a troll with multiple accounts and who uses the same to answer its own questions, someone who is hiding so as to not reveal its lack of knowledge while being a "toughie" from behind the safety of its computer keyboard in its mother's basement, simply ignore it and/or report it but DON'T FEED THE TROLLS!

I started martial arts as I wanted our kids to learn discipline, respect and self defense. I joined them as it's fun and something we have in common.

So it's not about being inadequate or small or anything else. It's about what is important to you and how you can use it to better yourself.

It shows how inadequate and insecure you must feel about your own life that you feel the need to come here and insult other people. Whom you have never met. Wow,you sure showed us how big and tough you are!!

Then include yourself too, because you have the stupidity to think you are knowledgeable enough to sit in judgement of others. Now do your homework and go to bed. Perhaps tomorrow you will find something constructive to do that will improve you rather than to flame other people.


This forum is for questions and answers, not meaningless rantings such as yours.

so, where's your detail?