> Martial art that can help me control my anger.?

Martial art that can help me control my anger.?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I was wondering what martial art would teach me self defense get me in shape to the point of getting a six pack and that would help me control my anger.

Karate has been shown to decrease anger based on these articles http://karatedr.com/articles-on-karate-t...

Were does your anger come from? Rage and hate comes from fear. Fear comes from doubt and uncertainty... If you are assured in your ability to defend yourself do you believe you can control your anger? If you think this is possible then martial arts will help you.

Martial arts doesn't teach you self defence, nor does it teach you to control your anger. Learning Martial Arts for self defence is like taking swimming lessons to learn how to play cricket.

Martial arts teaches you fighting, 99% of self defence is awareness/target hardening/verbal de-escalation, and 1% physical techniques used to create to opportunity to escape. Fighting is a consensual test of skill in a ring, using a different skill set/techniques.

MA does not teach any techniques or exercises to help with anger management.

So... you got a lousy physique and a bad temper, and you think martial arts is the quicker fixer upper for bad eating, bad exercise, and emotional problems?

You need a psychologist/counselor, a dietician, and a sports therapist - in that order.

You have it backwards. To be effective in martial arts, you have to control your anger and other emotions. It is not that martial arts give you that control, but YOU have to come up with it or find a way before you can full advance in your training. The simple fact is that people who have anger issues have them because they do not want to do anything about it. This also applies to being fit because IF you want to be effective in martial art, you have to be fit and this means you have to take the initiative to learn about fitness and health, and MAKE yourself follow a program to achieve your goals.

As for 6-packs, no martial arts will give you that. A 6-pack is made in the kitchen in that it has to do with having low body fat. Most people have a 6-pack and not know it because of the layers of fat that covers their abs.

No system will help you control your anger. When you decide to discipline yourself, and not judge anyone or anything, then you will have conquered your anger. No combative system will help you with that; as far as getting a six-pack goes that requires targeting certain muscles. No combative system will do that for you either.

If you want to learn self-control, dedicate your life to learning any great undertaking, and do it well. You will be far too busy to be distracted by other people's business. The desire to control what others think, say, and do brings some of the greatest levels of stress imaginable. Realize that you are an internal entity, everything else is external, and has no effect on you what-so-ever. Others may think, say, and do as they please; but what matters is what you think, say, and do.

" Remove the judgement, and you have removed the thought 'I am hurt': remove the thought ' I am hurt', and the hurt itself is removed." - Marcus Aurelius ( Meditations, book 4, line 7)

Anger is just another word for fear ( in most cases). Why do people fear? Perhaps they are worried they will suffer, but consider the worst thing that can happen, come to terms with that, and fear goes away. Many people fear death, but people fear death for only one of two reasons either they fear they will not be conscious or exist after this life ( which wouldn't matter if if one didn't for one would be conscious of nothing, and therefore not suffer), or two, they fear that they may be conscious still, or that they may exist; in which case they fear what kind of consciousness/existence will they have? And will it be enjoyable, not enjoyable, or a little bit of both!?

Come to terms with fear, and you will rule fear, instead of fear ruling you. Anger is most of the the time due to fear, sometimes due to the burning desire for revenge. When people are angry with each other it rarely ever has anything to do with those others, but they are angry with themselves, they feel as though they have no control, and are being tossed about by circumstances. When people take all responsibility for themselves, this is when healthy, true, growth happens for each individual.

Stop trying to control others behaviors, and start controlling only yours, and your anger will go away. There is only one thing you have the power to control, and that is what you think about things. Your thoughts are you, you are consciousness. Your spirit is the instrumentality that communicates your will ( you are a mind, spirit is a devise for communicating your thoughts); your actions are the instrumentality that carries out your spirit's communications, and places those communications into being. Your physical body is the instrument that carries-out your will. You think it, your spirit communicates it, your physical body does it.

Stop wanting what is not in your nature to want, aspire to great things. Plan them out in-detail in your imagination, every wit, then go and do that what you organized already in your thoughts. However, don't forget to give yourself a specific, rational, time-table in which to get the project done, or you will never feel the burning desire ( that by necessity must be there) to get the project done as you desire it.

The universe serves whatever master wields it's resources. If you plant two seeds... one being a plant good for being a natural medicine, the other a plant that is poisonous; and if you feed them both they both will grow. You will then harvest both a medicinal plant, and a poisonous plant. You will reap exactly what you have sown, and nourished.

In your own life, plant healthy seeds, and those seeds with optimistic, life-affirming thoughts. Do this many times each day, put all negativity out of you. Nourish those healthy seeds daily, think well of them, speak well of them ( even if you do not yet believe it yourself just yet), and then act them out as if you are in a play. Write your own life's script as you want it ( not as others say),and then act it out. Stay in character, eventually this character you act-out will become a habit, and a new you. The universe makes whatever you tell it to make, so give it healthy ingredients, organize them well, and bake! The universe always without fail will produce what it is told to produce. The grand existence is an "operating system"; learn how to use the operating system ( as system of karma). Once you know how that existential "computer's" operating system works, stop fighting the system, and use it to your advantage; then you will no-longer be bound to the operating system; then you can write your own "software" programs for your own personal existence. You can then write your own destiny!; Have you noticed that the best of software programs that exist do not fight against the operating systems in the computer where those software programs exist; but rather those software programs work with the operating system, the foundation, and build upon the foundation as they will!? The grand existence is the operating system, learn how it works, then start building!

There is a line in the movie Anna and the King where the teacher says to her students that if they are afraid, they should make-believe they are brave, and soon they will find after they make-believe long enough that they really have become as brave as they did make-believe themselves to be; this same principle works with everything! Invent a persona, how is this person. How does this person think, speak, act? After creating this persona,from the moment you act out that persona you have planted a seed; act out that person full-time without fail ( this is called nourishing the seed); do it long enough, and the fruits of your labor, of your acting this persona out will become ripe; a new habit will have been created; a new habit is a new creation, a new creation is a new person; this new way of being is a new you, a "re-born" you. A better you you ( if you nourished it with healthy nourishment).

All of us are either progressing or regressing, either creating or destroying. There is no middle-ground. If a house is abandoned and not maintained, it does not get more beautiful, it's value does not appreciate. Rather a house abandoned depreciates, and falls-apart. It does not maintain itself. Eventually such a house is no-longer useful, and is usually condemned. People are like this, we either progress or regress.

We are creators, so create yourself my friend!

They have anger management programs for people with anger issues. There is no room for people with anger issues in my dojo either. I suggest you fix that first and then when you have that under control go and look for a martial arts school.

Would you really be OK with the possibility of hurting and even maiming someone out of anger in a martial arts class? If you are you got even bigger issues than just anger problems. I don't think at this point you could guarantee the safety of your fellow class mates and that is not OK. How would you like to have to go to a hospital after class, maybe have reconstructive surgery and a long recovery time just because some classmate acted upon his immature emotions and had a temper tantrum like a three year old? Taking out frustration on another person who only wants to learn is..... I don't think there is a nice word in the English language for this kind of irresponsible, immature, selfish, inconsiderate, and many more words along this line, behavior. Reconsider.

...and for getting in shape run and lift some weights for your 6 pack.


Most kids that I know who have anger issues, are immature little assholes who never got their asses kicked.

If you don't have self control, stay out of the dojo. You will only try to take advantage of your self imposed "problem" to get an opportunity to try and hurt somebody in the class.

That BS doesn't go with me.

You try that **** on my floor, and you will get what you need.

Firstly, you can practice martial arts as much as you want without getting a six pack. No, that comes from a diet. Fix up what you eat if you want to decrease your body-fat percentage to a six-pack level.

Secondly, it's not about a single martial art. It's about the one that you enjoy doing.

You may find that Hung Gar Kung Fu is the most enjoyable art for you, or it may turn out that boxing is the sport you need.

All I'm saying is, get out there and start trying things out to see what you like the most.

MMA or Mixed Martial Arts. Take your frustration out on your opponent and then get in shape while your at it

I was wondering what martial art would teach me self defense get me in shape to the point of getting a six pack and that would help me control my anger.