> Martial Arts vs. Street Fighting?

Martial Arts vs. Street Fighting?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Like others are saying, if the girl you're fighting is actually experienced enough to EARN a blackbelt, and it's a good martial art that can be used in and out of a ring, then you're ******. Now, Taekwando, or karate, and you'd probably be ok to hold your own if you're used to fighting, they're more of point sparring martial arts, unless she went to japan and learned from a legit instructor who didn't care about money and flashy moves to get you points. And if it's a good martial art, you're going to have a LOT more to worry about than *karate chops*. Imagine going into a fight, thinking she's all talk, and everytime you throw a punch, she either avoids it, or blocks it, and eventually, ends up counter attacking, getting you in a clinch ( a hold to where you can't move around, but leaves your body from the chest down open), and just start planting knees in your stomach, ribs, and chest, as well as throwing some elbows to the top of your head and the side of your head. Before you even know what is happening, you'll be seeing double and on the verge of knock out, then all she has to do is a *karate chop*, and you're out like a light.

What the hell does "street fighter" mean?

It depends on what the black belt does and whether or not her training sucks. But you're basically asking "Am I going to be better at doing the thing I have no education in while this other person went to school for it."

depends on who taught the girl to get her blackbelt, If it is any reputable place then i would give it to her hands down.

You think martial artist actually just "karate chop" ??? just your attitude alone should see her beat you.

So martial artists don't punch?

Good luck.

Now im not talking about the gang fighters i mean basic punches not karate chops. _both fighters are girls!_




martial arts:5'4

i am fighting a girl who is a black belt

and im expierenced (ive fought against big boys and won)