> Martial Arts for MMA?

Martial Arts for MMA?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Basically i train Muay Thai and BJJ. So later when i start MMA, wht should i train little bit to sharp my striking/ground game?

If you are doing two arts and have the time to do a third you are doing something wrong. MMA is essentially muay thai and bjj. Sure you have to change your game a little to fit the MMA rules but other than that it's basically it. You shouldn't do more arts. Boxing is useless in an MMA format. Either go to an MMA gym or stick with what you are doing. Besides how much money do you have? Doing 3 arts must get expensive.

Bjj is ground game, muay thai is striking..

Be a master of an art, not a player of many sports.

Today's youth is nothing but nonsense

For MMA, the majority are practicing either MMA, either BJJ and Muay Thai.

Why not add a little bit of Tae Kwan Do and Wrestling?

if you have the ability to do three that's awesome, something I always regret not doing is wrestling. its and awesome tool to have.

Basically i train Muay Thai and BJJ. So later when i start MMA, wht should i train little bit to sharp my striking/ground game?