> Makiwara Help?

Makiwara Help?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
You wrote to me about this. This Yahoo Messaenger would not let me send you a reply. You do not have an email link on your Y/A profile. If you write to me (your email account to my email account) I will send you a reply and a design for a properly built makiwara. pugpaws2@yahoo.com

And for now a 4" by 4" post makes a terrible maki that is not suited for proper maki training.


Yup, pupaws does have a really good makiwara. His is like mine. So hook up with him and in the meantime stay away from the 4x4s.

I think so

sorry loool

I have never formally learned to use a Makiwara but a mentor who recently passed was talking about teaching me but never got the chance. He talked about it creating good form and technique. Not hitting it as hard as possible. I need to build one, I saw designs with 4x4 posts but before I decide I want to see if anyone who trains properly with a Makiwara can help with a proper design and recommend techniques to get started in its use properly.

Thank you