> MMA takedown defence help?

MMA takedown defence help?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Wow. Unless they've set you up with a fellow striker, you're really not prepared for this.

Early takedown defense is about timing. You need a partner for that. Late takedown defense is about grip-fighting and leverage. You need a partner for that. Failed takedown defense is about being good enough at your bottom escapes to get back to your feet. You need a partner for that. You see a pattern here?

Look, I'm not being mean for the sake of being mean. It's just that if you were MY fighter and you really had nothing in the way of takedown defense or ground grappling, I wouldn't let you fight until you did. There are NCAA All-American wrestlers and BJJ black belts who enter amateur MMA matches. Even the best have to start somewhere. And if you're not prepared to at least survive against those guys, you shouldn't be doing MMA.

You need more training.

The best thing you can do right now, without a training partner, is work lateral footwork and striking off of pivots. In order for someone to clinch or shoot on you, they need a mostly straight line. If you stay off of that line, you stand a chance.

Without a training partner and proper instruction then you cannot learn take down defense. Its not just something you can learn and then have instantly, there are also hundreds of variations to stop the takedown. Since you have stated you have no take down defense or grappling skills i would suggest this fight will be over rather quickly because if you don't land a telling blow while the fight is standing then you will be taken down and finished quickly on the ground.

You are not ready for this fight any way you look at it.

This post makes no sense. How is you being a southpaw relevant to anything? I bet my life on that you've won all your fights, right? Haha...

Why would a boxer have an MMA fight? You can not learn how to fight in the comfort of your living room. Want to learn how to fight in MMA. Go and train MMA.

The minute your opponent finds out that you have no ground skills you are in huge trouble. He will know because eventually he'll shoot in for your legs or pin you against the cage and you'll go down with a sweep. He'll clean you right up with some ground work 101 and tap city. If you are going to fight mma, you need to train mma. Your instincts are undeveloped for mma fighting at this point. Boxing is great, but even the difference in gloves is going to kill you. The mma gloves provide much less defense.

Well since you are a southpaw your right front leg will really be vulnerable to a couple of things like leg kicks and single leg take-downs especially when your opponent throws something like an overhand right hand. That being said I would work on changing levels as my opponent does to shoot for take-downs. As his head and shoulders get lower so should yours and so you basically want yours always equal with his which will then allow you to sprawl if and when he shots for that lead leg. You will also want to work on head movement and keeping that rear left hand a little higher to help prevent overhand rights from landing and taking away his ability to throw them and then shoot under for your lead right leg and the take-down.

Lastly you will want to also work on checking leg kicks to that lead leg since it will be very susceptible to leg kicks from his lead left leg with them being so close. Hopefully you are working on your ground game and have at least the basic skills down like framing and controlling your opponent's posture and how to work back into the guard and eventually get back to your feet. Those skills will be critical and I really have to wonder given your limited skills and knowledge if you are really where you need to be in your training for this fight. As a judge of MMA I see way too many guys getting in there way too soon with limited skills, knowledge, and ability in either stand-up or in the ground aspects of fighting.

ya dood im not trynna be all meen n nasty but ya man theryes no way your gonna be able to avoid being taken down without lots and lots of training. a lotta mmafighters have good takedowns and grappling.with u throwing punches actually leaves u open for takedowns man.. u needa train with wrestlers and bjj fighters so u can learn to defend and even apply that to your game.. no offense but didn't u watch james toney try mma? even at his age his boxing skills r still hi and he was taken down fast and beet up.. dude u gotta train full mma and doin so at your house wont get u anywhere.. I wouldn't even try it

Download a kung fu anti grappling DVD. I'm joking you need training partners even if its just playing football. I would be looking for bjj or wrestling if you can't find mma.


Hey wassup guys I'm southpaw I've had 3 boxing matches

But anyways I got my first mma fight coming up and I'm really confident on my feet but I'm not that comfortable grappling so I was wondering what kind of home workout cud I do for takedown defence I rarely have a sparring partner so I need to learn things I can practice by myself for take down defence all the help is appreciated.

No posers please I need advice from mma fighters