> MMA fight versus boxer?

MMA fight versus boxer?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Doesn't really seem like a good comparison to begin with. Maybe a guy VS a guy having said that the moment Mayweather doesn't take it seriously he could end up in a bad position that he's not trained to deal with

Rhonda fights nothing but cans.

She would lose. She's not going up against an amateur or untrained male, she'd be going up against an athletic male whose conditioning is better than hers due to biology. I would not even guarantee a win if it went to the ground due to their athleticism.

There is a reason why men and women do not compete against each other in sports, especially combat sports. It is because the male has a huge advantage. That's why many martial arts have soft tissue striking, so that a weaker person can handle a stronger one. Since that cannot be done in a contest, she would not win.

That depends how you define "win". If she kicks them in the bollocks and runs away form a self defence perspective she has won. If she hits him in he throat in the ring and he crumples to the floor struggling to breathe has she won or lost? Again, it depends what criteria you are using to define a win, what are the rules etc etc?

if you put a good grappler vs a boxer with no grapping sklills the grappler female or not is gunna have the advantage the boxer has 1 chance and thats to hit them b4 they get took down

If it went to the ground then ronda would win. It they stayed standing for the entire thing then Ronda would have some major problems

Do you think a very good female MMA fighter like Ronda Rouse in a fight with no rules could win a professional elite class boxer like Mayweather or Tyson at its peak.

Please answer seriously and only if you have knowledge.

Thank you