> List of all fighting/combat moves?

List of all fighting/combat moves?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Can you list some fighting/combat moves. It can be as simple as- punch, kick, grapple, pin, etc.

Grounded and have nothing better to do, so here you go!


Punches: Inverted punch, uppercut, jab, cross, front punch, kumite bunch, concussion strike, hook, bolo punch, and my favorite, the haymaker.

Hand strikes: Backfist, tiger mouth, tiger claw, thumbknuckle, snakehand, palm smash/palm heel, inside outside down back hammer fists, 2 and 4 finger eye strikes, single interknuckle strike, middle interknuckle strike, inter knuckle (4 finger) strike, inside outside shuto, spear hand, knife hand. (not sure if this qualifies for the hand strike category, but also) Inside, uppercut wrist strikes (usually to the jaw and temple).

Kicks: Snapping front, Teep, snapping side, breaking side, back kick, spinning side kick, 3 variations of roundhouse (striking with the shin (breaking roundhouse) striking with the instep, striking with the ball of the foot). Inside and outside Crescent, Axe kick, Stomp, butterfly, half moon (inside, outside) heel rake

Elbows: 12-6 elbow (Down elbow) uppercut elbow, 45 degree uppercut angle, 45 degree downward angle, inside elbow, outside elbow, rear elbow, lunge elbow

Knees: Uppercut knee, drop knee, thrust knee, roundhouse knee, inside knee slap, outside knee slap

Throws: Sacrifice throw, shoulder throw, uchimata, .... TBH I know alot more but don't know there names lol :/ those are by far my favorite though. Oh and Kata Guruma.

Submissions and chokes: Americana, Kimura, Twister, Armbar, Triangle, Rear Naked Choke, z guard gi choke, heel hook (banned in BJJ competitions, which is how you know its good btw). leg bar, knee bar, omoplata, locoplata. - Those are all the ones I know of, there are more.

You need a qualified instructor to teach you these, not youtube.

(edit): Would you like to know stances too? Zenkatsu kokatsu crane cat keba tiger sumo backleaning hook fudo, kneeling, ground fighting, judo stance.

Positions: mount, knee on belly, guard.

HHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH this is impossible because all those things break up into 25 million other things.

btw a pin would fall under the banner of grappling

This is a dumb@ss question since the list would be endless. Let me guess, you're trying to learn martial arts online? That doesn't work.

Left straight and right straight

Head kick

Ducking blow

Leg kick

Right or left elbow


Jab, cross, hook, uppercut. Get giod enough at those you won't need much else

Can you list some fighting/combat moves. It can be as simple as- punch, kick, grapple, pin, etc.