If you have the money and access to a good school then go for it. You can cross train does two arts without any problems.
If you want to learn how to give guys BJs, Kempo is not the best way to learn.
Judo ju jitsu combination schools better for what,you want
I'll destroy you with my wrestling
Ok so I just turned 17 and for around a month I've been taking Kempo which is what Chuck Liddell is a 5th degree black belt in. Kempo focuses on basically how to defend and county against a number of attacks and there's some joint locks too. But we don't really do any ground work. I plan on staying with Kenpo until I get my black belt which will probably take around 2-3 years. My question is I really want to learn BJJ should I wait till I get more advanced in Kenpo so I have good knowledge of how to fight or should I start taking bjj now to learn grappling.