> Knuckle Conditioning Exercises.?

Knuckle Conditioning Exercises.?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Ok most of these training is for one not to feel pain.. Most shaolin monks train this way cause its the first part of learning out how to use mind over matter.. they also use meditation as the highest form of their art.. My Sifu always tells us its in your mind and how use it.. if want to use ways to punch things you always need to start small even just doing knuckle push ups will help.. not all can lead to arthritis this is why you stretch if your muscles and ligaments are stretch daily then you don't have to worry of arthritis.. even doctors now say cracking you knuckles doesn't lead to arthritis.. if these training did lead they wouldn't teach them still in Asia.. most teachers in the western world don't teach it because they would lose students.. iron palm was used in the shaolin temple and some outside of the temple.. to this day shaolin still teaches iron palm and other things for students to harden there body but they start at very young ages most from the age of 5 years old.. as my Sifu tells us the different shaolin in other martial arts is they just stay in a temple for 24 hours a day.. also that doesn't mean they train physical 24 hours a day.. lots of it is in the art of meditation..

basicly what your doing is the bones are breaking down and repairing themselves over and becoming stronger im not saying you break them you just kinda wear them down and then a calcium builds up over them I use to do the same thing however I wasn't hitting walls on daily basis I did the same thing for mma /boxing

I would always hit the heavy bag without any gloves or I made myself a small box and would put sand inside the box and continue to punch it you will find out that ever time the sand will compact and it will be almost like a wall I would sometimes add water this was the best option for when my hands would hurt too much anyway it worked

as for mma I practiced leg checks and had a post at my house with rope tied around it and I would kick it for a hr till me leg fell off I remember I once played soccer and a guy tried to put his whole body into my leg and basically walked right threw it and he was the one on the floor

keep in mind you have to know the difference between pain and the point to where your injuring yourself

Kokoro is exactly right. Working on the heavy bag is all the "conditioning" you need to do, and you should wear bag gloves if you're working on a rough canvas bag.

Consider this.... All of this "hand conditioning" and "iron palm" nonsense was developed back when life-spans were short, and martial artists might expect to have to fight armed and armored warriors.

(One doubts this ever worked out very well.... The Okinawans mostly fought among themselves, not the Samurai warriors they were training for.)

Anyway... We don't fight armed and armored warriors these days. Human beings are soft and squishy for the most part. Don't hit them in the head with your fist.

there the same exercises that cause arthritis which will be the more likely result when you get older. so basically you want to get arthritis when you get older and suffer in pain. why would you want that

and bone density has nothing to do with the power behind the strike

Conditioning, like this causes long term injuries which I can see you are clueless about.

Don't try or do this you will regret it later in life

Can you all list a few techniques that help strengthen the skin over your knuckles, and increase bone density using Wolff's Law?

I watched a documentary once on Shaolin Monks. Apparently some would place a block of paper against a solid wall, and punch it until the paper had worn away. Then they would replace the paper and repeat the process. Wolff's Law says thats bones can adapt to force upon them and grow back bigger and stronger, I don't the specific science however.

So do any of you have any techniques?