> Kid wants to fight me?

Kid wants to fight me?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Fighting against multiple opponents is something that needs to be extensively practiced before trying it IRL...I really wouldn't recommend you to try to take on multiple attackers if you have no actual training on it.

And I'm fairly sure that if you are 18 and he is 17 and you hit him, you'd go to jail, the only exception would be if you reacted because your life was threatened, which means you did it because he pulled a knife on you, and like you said: he will most likely not pull a knife until you already hit him.

I'd say to notify the cops, for real, people ask for advice but are not willing to take such actions...calling the cops is the best thing you can do "I am being threatened by this guy, he is a minor, he is a known armed gangbanger and I have my hands tied because his gang will most likely attack me if I try to defend myself."

It's really the best thing you can do...and dude seriously, if the guy pulls a knife on you, don't do anything, really, if martial arts could be learned by watching YT videos, everybody would be a martial artist...self defense moves need to be practiced first and even the smallest mistake could lead to your death, so seriously if you have not taken any physical training on how to defend against weapons, do not try anything.

Stay aware of your surroundings at all times; survey your friends to see if you can count on any of them in a pinch if something goes down; be prepared to go all out if he gives you no choice but to fight him; if a weapon is presented the game changes because your life is now on the line, address the most critical threat (the weapon) before going for anything else. Just because he has a weapon doesn't mean you can't win, it just means you fight harder and do as much damage as possible to end the fight quickly (my personal recommendation even if there is no weapon).

If you choose to tell your school administrators make sure you tell your parents as well. Let them know that nothing physical has taken place yet, but that the threats have been made and you believe it is inevitable that this kid will eventually take physical action against you. You can also tell them you do not expect them to intercede, that you just wanted to make them aware of the situation so if anything does happen you will have followed the "guidelines". At this point you should be prepared at all times to take on the fight that will come. And if you are faced with more than one opponent, be sure to destroy the first one (biggest mouth, the one that moves at you first, the one with his hands hidden) and do as much damage as possible quickly. Do not focus too long on each opponent because you have to disable and delay each one so you can engage the others if/when they instigate actions against you.

At all times you should be verbally conveying you do not want to fight so that any witnesses can say you were trying to stop the situation by deescalating it. Do not make a fist until you actually have to hit someone. A fist shows you are ready and willing to fight, even to the point of labeling you as the aggressor. Hold your hands up and open with the palms forward in a physical gesture to direct them to stay away and stop. If this is what people see, this is what they will say they saw when asked. I can not tell you this is going to cure your problem and make them stop, but it sounds as if eventually they are going to perceive you as a weak person to be victimized and they won't give you a choice. Be aware of what and who is around you at all times, don't allow yourself to be blindsided by someone. Focus and determination, seriousness and the will to commit to the actions necessary to survive will see you through.

If you need to, contact me through email and we can talk further.

Well don't hit him because if you do you're going to jail. I know what he's doing is not right, but that's what the cops are there for. Just report him.

then go over there and kick his little ***!!

- crack head making threats towards me at school.

- i could easily beat this guy in a fight, but he's part of a sort 'gang' that's known to bring weapons etc..

- If i do nothing, this kid will keep threatening me, or even jump me when i'm not expecting it.

- If i fight him, his buddies will probably start **** too. And he'll probably come back with a knife.

- If i tell the principal/counselors, they won't do anything, he'll find out, and probably jump me anyways.

This kid is my height but probably 30lbs lighter, typical anorexic crack head. And i'm built, but he's got a ton of back up if anything goes down. (i'm 18, he's 17)

Wut do. serious question.