> Keyboard warrior and others who bought stuff...?

Keyboard warrior and others who bought stuff...?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
from the Title MMA sale, do you remember when this was? Is it annul? I remember KW was talking about his grappling dummy and I'm waiting for them to go on sale...

Dont buy a grappling dummy, i have to be so gentle with mine, i keep breaking the arm on them. No i dont go all psycho on it and complete the arm bar but it just get damaged far too easily.

I guess you believe Ronda Rousey could Arm Bar A Guerrilla to huh lmfao Ok Genius if size and strength have nothing to do with MMA then why are there weight divisions, if it is as you say Cain Velasquez should be able to fight Demietrus Johnson?? Ow Kill um Oww Kill um OOOOWW I OWNED YOU

@Shaeeck - I didn't even know you could break those.

from the Title MMA sale, do you remember when this was? Is it annul? I remember KW was talking about his grappling dummy and I'm waiting for them to go on sale...