> Keyboard Warrior, serious question.?

Keyboard Warrior, serious question.?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Kw is just what he does he hides behind a keyboard all day. He makes claims that are b.s.. Once he said it was Kyokushin than it was Kempo Karate, than Chinese Kempo. This is funny seems he doesn't know what he studied. He studied for 10 years as a child. Supposedly studied. Now he says 4 years MMA/BJJ. He is just a troll. Like to give misinformation and he shows his lack of knowledge and humility. I love when he brags abt going to JuJitsu Dojo's and beating upperbelts and blackbelts. LOL. I still say he is full of Bull crap.

He always shows news clips abt MMA beating people for selfdefense. But i guess he never reads the stories he posts or does any followups. Some of those supposed people actually were arrested for excessive use of force. One is going on trial for manslaughter. So happens he doesn't understand what self defense means or what laws are in place to protect people both victims and assailants. He is very Biased. If it isn't MMA/BJJ or Muay Thai is is crap according to him. If it doesn't work and the MMA/BJJ individual gets beat he claims it must of been the individual or he didn't know what he was doing blah, blah, blah.

But if you show him proof of TMA beating a assailant in the street he claims all this b.s.. And doesn't believe it. Even when one of my classmates in July saved a woman from being raped. Funny the City of Chicago recognized my classmate at a city council meeting and gave him a citation for doing such. He didn't have to beat the snot or seriously hurt the assailant. Why hurt someone if you don't have to. That just brings more legal action against you. And can also put you in harms way if things go south so to speak. His statement 90% of fight go to the ground has been proven false. It was just a publicity stunt for the Gracie's to promote their thing.

BTW KW one individual who does study a Gracie BJJ at my tech school tried to 'play' with me one day and didn't tell me and tried taking me to the ground. thought he would be a smartass. Very immature for a 24 year old adult. It didn't work for him. He tried 4 times. Like i said before it doesn't always go the ground. Now he is 'buddy-buddy' with me. He didn't realize TMA can kick his butt with out going to the ground or breaking anything.

Hey KW love how your fictitious world come crumbling round you. He also lacks credibility, shows his ignorance and lack of knowledge and contradicts himself all the time. I almost want to say he never studied any martial art and only is a wannabe. Besides proving he is a just a TROLL.

I like how he has made like 10 accounts and thumbed down the answers from the most experienced martial artists on here...

The man is clearly not sane...

Let me clarify something.

KW still cannot make any claims against "TMA" because he NEVER trained in TMA.

His exposure to "karate" is NOT a Traditional style, but an ECLECTIC style.

A HYBRID style, most of which are fraudulent.

So his argument that it supports his claims are fraudulent.

He has 10 years experience in a fraudulent art, not a traditional art.

The claim of 10 years of Karate might hold some value, If it was an adult setting, and in more than one school or style. I believe that most people would see10 years of experience starting at age 6 and ending at 16 as a child playing karate in a childs class. Even if the school was top notch and teaching their style as it should be, I don't see it as experience. At least not anything I'd brag about when putting down Karate in general. What is more disturbing is anyone that has one experience and then decides that all similar schools, and styles are a waste of time. It would not seem to be a reasonable thing to try one school and decide all of them are bad. Taekwondo gets a bad rap because some of the schools are obviously in existence only to make money. So how fair is such prejudice to the few really good instructors out there that teach a legitimate class? There is no proof that any style is bad or ineffective. Anyone that cites a few bad martial artists or bad schools as proof that all schools teaching that style are no good is just not rational. It is childish and unfair to those that are not bad.

While growing up I had some really good math teachers and one or two that should not be allowed to teach anyone. but would it be rational to say that math is fake or that it does not work? I think not.

Come on people get over it and move on.


Love your question and have wondered that myself among some other things just as controversial. I too had my share of bad teachers in Karate and I would not dream of listing them or their dojo as part of my training. I too scratched them off as a learning experience of what not to do and / or what to look out for. When I walked out it was for good. No looking back and not regrets and with 20 / 20 hindsight it was always a step up every time. So maybe I should actually thank these guys for being jerks?

I guess when you have nothing, listing something bad is still better than nothing for some people.

Hmmm, I didn't know that it was certain styles that were limited to strip malls.

Wow! How much credibility can a fraud add to your profile? Must not be a fraudulent as we thought maybe?

lol 11 thumbs down for a question directed at him yall aint zen well a few of you are




Put it together people.

Just to troll, because some of you guys are my friends but it angers me you went so far to attack one person, and martial arts is about... nevermind, if you guys don't no what its about by now you never will, anyways, here is what would happen if KW fought all of us at once. He is represented by M.J.W.

I am the guy who gets pushed (by Kokoro):

kw is nothing but a t r o l l,

he doesn't know the difference between chinese kempo and okinawan kempo he thinks there the same.

everything he stated has been debunked.

his sole purpose is to destroy yahoo answer because he is jealous of its popularity, and because his site is complete dead and has no activity

he has zero understanding of karate. for that matter e has no understanding of most martial arts, if its not bjj or mauy thai to him it doesnt work.

and i sure he is going to log in with his other 6 accounts and give me 6 thumbs down for this


as usually kw you twist words around and tell half truths.

why dont you go back to your dead site with 3 active people and no threads you can talk to yourself then

its real simple kw if you didnt learn to use kata in a fight then you Never learned karate. so you are either lying or trained in a mcdojo pick one.

even kyokushin uses kata and understand kata as well as.

talk about obsessed at least i dont have you listed on my profile. lmao. i can see im living rent free inside your head, lmao.

more like 6 people kw the other 5 are your accounts if not more

He's extremely immature. As you point out, discovering you had been duped you chalked it up to a lesson, a lesson taught constantly through life. Best friend grew distant, parents promised something and recanted, employer promised things they never meant to honor to begin with, a gf or wife that fell out of love. All of them are sign posts, something along the lines of "Those that do not learn from history are destined to repeat it." Blanket accusations such as karate is fraudulent are the sign of a childish reaction to disappointment, I'd say you know exactly why he uses it as a source and that is part of your reason for asking. Which one of these looks more credible?

"10 years of Karate during which time I was a fat kid and as enthusiastic about exercise as people are fond of breaking their bones and not having pain killers. I totally couch potatoed for a few years, and started studying BJJ, in which I am currently a blue belt and a teacher of BJJ (not a McDojo - our blue belts are about as good as any Gracie) In essence I am a beginner studying 4 years, and only 23. Saying I studied 14 years makes it seem like I've been hard at it, working on a singular goal to be a sports competitor. Also, when I say an art is fraudulent, the 14 years supports that better, and people don't realize I am 23 and not really qualified to have 14 years of experience in anything, other than childhood."

He uses the source as he does so he can feel self important. Owner of a site sounds better than "designer of a site nobody but one of my minions still uses, hence the reason Kyokushin is decent, he does it, but I really feel all Karate is crap". It amounts to false advertising, trying to be an adult and not a kid. The only ones that give him much credence are kids in high school.

Edit - Someone has been a busy lil thumber upper!! 7 doesn't make it seem like you pulled out all the alt accounts!! If you are going to idolize and immortalize me, from now on call me sir when you speak to me here, and change my title to Sir JKD Disciple on your profile. Being as you have 10 years of Karate on that impressive toddler resume, you should address Kokoro as Master Kokoro, this would be in accordance with the formalities of the arts. It's just a guess, but you should probably call KW Sucks, mom. Being as you are a mere blue belt, I will continue to think of you as lil KW or Jr.

Edit - Russell, I think everyone appreciates your disposition, you are young, and well intended. There is a difference between misinformation and disinformation, one is being inaccurate, the other is telling lies. In any event, KW is guilty of disinformation, it's not a mistake, and his BS could have long range implications to someone such as yourself. Knowledge is power, and when armed with only half truths, as they say in football, you are what your record says you are. If you don't understand something completely, you won't be as well armed, and possibly in danger. You see it as attacking a tool, I, for one, see it as trying to help someone like you.

edit - Jr...I told you to call me sir! From the time this question was asked, up to a few minutes ago, over an 8 hour period, 10 questions had been asked, 21 replies given. Yet, in lil KW land, all these people decided to read this question, not even answer, but go thumbs down crazy? Liondancer never gets that many, unless it is you. Jim, while deserving, never gets that many, it is obviously you. lol You are dumb enough to act like everyone doesn't know at least 9 of your thumbs up, are from you. Go ahead, call on your "friends", do one of those private posts, and ask who thinks you have many accounts. I can't honestly say I am concerned about being missed, I am however, amused you believe you would be.

Edit - 12? lol 9 people that are regular contributors to some extent, all used their name to state you are essentially a liar and a child. Shadam and Russell are the only two brave enough to step up and attempt to defend you. If any of the remaining thumbs up aren't you, they clearly didn't want their name associated with supporting you. You should have paid more attention to the cry wolf lesson, you've been busted telling lies so many times even your friends can't muster the dignity to use their name defending you. You can rely on phantom thumbs up, the fact remains, 9 people gave mostly solid answers indicating you are a known liar, and not respected in the least.

He is just dishonest and disrespectful. From insecurity. He wants to be an expert so bad.

Like you say, he claims his experience was McDojo experience, so he proclaims the art no good. Yet claims it on his resume.

He is just a wannabe expert who knows nothing of which he speaks.

Insecurity gives him a big and fragile ego. We should try not to feed it.

When I discovered that the guy who'd been teaching me was a fake, I pretty much struck that experience from the record as 'Teaching me what to look out for', and not a qualification for anything in particular. With that in mind- you've said before, multiple times in fact, that you view your experience in Karate as a complete waste of time and energy that taught you nothing. But at the same time, every time I see you put your qualifications down, you include '10 years karate experience'.

Why is that? I mean, I'm pretty sure I've even seen you put it down when you answered one question with 'Karate is a fradulent art', which sends a pretty mixed message.

Probably a waste of five points, but I've got them to spare and am curious. Also, bored.