> Karate shotokan ?

Karate shotokan ?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I am sorry that you did not have a good experience with Karate. A martial art is only as good as it's teacher and student. What you call 'dancing' is Kata and has many practical application if they are taught that way. Kata is the handbook of a martial arts style but if you are never taught how to use the tool then it is useless. My friend teaches Shotokan Karate and is a bounce at a bar and has been for years. If what he does was ineffective then he would not have stayed at his job for very long.

Repetitions to the air are supposed to help you learn correct techniques. Anybody can make a fist and swing. This works to a certain extend but if you now how to generate power from your hips instead of just flailing with your arms your techniques will be so much more efficient.

Just because you have encountered one bad school/teacher who failed to teach you does not make the whole style of Shotokan bad nor less effective. Keep in mind when you find another school in whatever style that in addition to a good teacher you also have to be a good student too. Finding a good teacher in any style is not easy. There are many schools and you really have to shop. Hope your next martial arts experience will be better.

I don't think much about Shotokan Karate but I do think wherever you're watching it is a rather pathetic example.

Any style is only as good as the schools teaching it, if Shotokan is beeing taught poorly in your area find the best school in your area and learn whatever style they're teaching.

There is nothing wrong with Shotokan or Judo. You can't train full contact 24/7/12 without damaging your body and brain.

Boy have you really put your foot in your mouth. What you stated is not correct at all. So you came to this conclusion after visiting how many different Shotokan Dojo...??? Obviously not many.


Karate didn't make much sense ot me when I studied it, but that was the fault of my instructors who didn't; even understand the moves they were teaching. for example, I was taught that a lot of the moves are "blocks", and yet in reality there are no blocks in Karate.

To properly understand karate go to youtube and check out Iain Abernethy and John Burke, then you will discover all those moves that you think are "ineffective" are actually brutally effective.

If you think Shotokan is too light, then you can go to any one of the 5 million MMA schools in the U.S.

Martial arts do not aim in fighting but ending them, or preventing or stopping them from happening in the first place. What some have in mind on what a martial art looks like, is a misconception in the first place. A martial art should not look like boxing, Karate pin pointing competitions, MMA, TKD onlympic competitions or something similar. Those are just types of sparring. So it depends first on what do you have in mind.

What do i think about Shotokan karate, taught, practiced or both by who?

What do I think about Judo or the styles of Jujutsu taught, practiced, or both by who?

The lineage of where Shotokan Karate came from, is Sokon Matsumura, then Anko Asato and Anko Itosu and then Gichin Funakoshi (the creator) There is no one of the first three that hadn't proven himself in all kinds of situations. Karate was used from the villagers of Okinawa to defend themselves unarmed, against the armed Samurai. Anko Asato and Anko Itosu dealt with a small mob just the two of them. Sokon Matsumura was a close advisor and bodyguard of three kings.

Judo is coming from Jujutsu styles and Jujutsu styles are coming from the Samurai (elite warriors of Japan for several centuries.)

So while the styles are having strong backgrounds, is up to to the individual for the rest.

Check the following letter to understand a bit more on what is a martial art and keep on mind that many of the good ones have similar ideas, that are also influenced by their culture and character..................................

Sokon Matsumura's letter about Martial Arts, written May 13, 1882

You can only understand the true way of the martial arts through determination and continuous training. It is quite interesting to note that the martial arts and the methods of scholarly study parallel each other at a fundamental level.

When examining the methods of scholarly study, we find there are three distinct elements or methods:

The first method is the study of powerful words, skills needed in communication and the pursuit of high-paying positions.

The second method is the study of comparing the wisdom of traditional literature, and instilling a sense of duty by way of example.

Despite the fact that these two methods are both unique, they fall short of comprehending the true essence of the way. They encompass only a superficial comprehension of scholarly studies, so they should be regarded as incomplete.

The third method of literary study is a complete method. By understanding this third method is how we can understand the true way. Some of the things that it teaches us how to do are the following:

(1) To gain a more profound understanding

(2) To gain strength from our weaknesses

(3) To become more sincere

(4) To become more righteous

(5) To better control our emotions

(6) To have more peace in our homes

This is a doctrine that can be applied to not only our country, but to the whole world. Therefore, only this study is a complete one.

If we investigate the martial arts, we also see that there are three distinct divisions or elements in them:

The first method, or division, is more like a game of psychology and tactics. It actually has no practical application in fighting, but it is more like pretty dancing. It is quite superficial.

The second method is nothing more than physical exercises. Its only goal is to win. In this there is no virtue. The practitioners of this method are contentious. Many times they bring injury to others and to themselves. Very often they cause dishonor to come upon members of their family.

The third method, in contrast, is always performed with conviction. The practitioners of this third method gain a solemn enlightenment, free of strife and depravity. It promotes loyalty among family, friends and country. It also promotes a natural demeanor, which develops a gallant character.

If you have an unconquerable calmness, you can overcome the enemy without force, with the ferocity of a tiger and the swiftness of a bird.

Some traits of this third method:

(1) It prohibits intentional violence

(2) It rules the actions of the warrior

(3) It edifies

(4) It promotes virtue

(5) It promotes peace among the people

(6) It produces harmony in society

(7) It brings about prosperity

These are called the "Seven Virtues of the Martial Arts." They were taught by wise men, and are contained in a book called the Godan-sho.

Thus, the true way of the martial arts has more than one element in it. A wise man does not need the first or second methods. All he needs is the third method. In this method, you will find the true way.

This unconquerable strength will deeply influence your judgment in recognizing opportunities and in taking appropriate action. The circumstances will always determine what the correct approach is that you should take.

It might seem like I have no respect for the other two fighting methods, but my conviction is rooted immovably in the doctrine of the third method. I have revealed my words to you. There is nothing left secret or hidden in my mind, nothing held back. If you accept and heed my words, you will find the true way.


Bushi Matsumura, May 13, 1882


My wise and young brother Kuwae Ryosei

I find the shotokan karate too light, the techniques learned against the "air" and all those maneuvers are inapplicable to me in a real clash.

I have also seen dojos in which more than a martial art seems to dance!

I think it 's more effective judo or even better the Japanese ju jitsu.

There are black belts in karate they do not really know how to fight...

What do you think about shotokan karate??

what do you think about judo or jujutsu( japanese)?