> Karate: Struggling with Yoko and Mawashi Geri?

Karate: Struggling with Yoko and Mawashi Geri?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I'm no expert, and I'm sure many of the senior Karate practitioners here can probably give you better advise, but based on my own experience in Shotokan training, I can share some tips that might help.

Regarding the shiko dachi, I've learned that clenching your abs and basically making your core rigid while breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth helps you maintain proper stance. It should be your core muscles, not your legs that should contract to hold you in position. It's kinda like trying to hold your poop in, by clenching your abs and gluteus muscles, while maintaining proper breathing. As for Mawashi Geri, you should concentrate on training your standing leg so you can maintain balance. Begin by doing heel raises with your standing leg while raising your kicking leg's knees to your chest. Once you get used to this motion, try throwing mawashi geri by first raising your standing leg's heels and basically standing tip toe with your knees slightly bent before pivoting on the balls of your feet to throw the kick. Most of all, when you throw the kick, you raise your knees not your foot, before throwing the kick. Most novice make the mistake of raising their foot and try to throw it at the target, instead you should imagine your knees are like a flail with a chain and ball(your ankle and foot) attached to it, where you throw your knees, the chain and ball will follow in a whiplike motion. Regarding the Yoko Geri, I don't know how you throw them, there are many ways, the most common is the crossover step sidekick, but since you mention your knee going forward, I'm thinking you mean the rear leg yoko geri from a gedan barai stance, If so, than you throw it just like you would a mawashi geri, only twisting your hips at the last moment and switching into a yoko geri. You still need to pivot on the balls of your feet so your standing leg's knee points back ward, not forward. Remember, pivot on the ball of your foot, not your heel, if you lean on your heels instead of on the ball of your foot, then you end up locking your standing leg's knee making it difficult for you to pivot while kicking. I also find that using the blade of your foot instead of your sole as the striking surface helps you balance yourself when throwing the side kick. Just hang in there and keep practicing, sooner or later, you'll get the hang of it, hope that helped.

No they said I a Wushu Master and made me in chiro and see saw wheel chair so not its Thai Vixen with no one. On the speaking of Spinx they don't want me to be in relationships with women or men so its thai no its Kung fu ya know you should really show me the dark side of Shaolin cause there is no martial arts from a old hunch back Kung fu student that never learned anything because his master died on the way to Shaolin Curtains of the 82 fingers and my tea is its finest cause my own blood said I am Satin so you know show me all of DARK Shaolin trix.

You really need to ask your instructor. The instructor can see your mistakes better than you can. Then can make suggestion for you to make corrections.

So...yeah.. the title pretty much says it all. Any help would be appreciated..

Certain things you might want/need to know:

- I struggle with standing in a wide shiko dachi

- I can do Yoko Geri (Soto Geri to some) well with my right leg

- I can do Mawashi Geri well with my left leg

- When I do Yoko Geri with my left leg, my right leg's knee tends to go forward (following the kick)

Those are the only things I struggle with in my karate and it's started to get to me..