> KRAV MAGA MANS give 5 stars?

KRAV MAGA MANS give 5 stars?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
TO SERVE? HELP DEFEND? I am 22 serves to deal with someone older than me if defense although it is stronger

I am not clear on what you mean, but I think this is what you need to know.

Yes, Krav Maga is very effective for self-defense if you get into a good training center. It will work against people who are older than you, as well as those who are stronger than you. Try either of these Krav Maga organizations to locate a training center in your area.



The names of the schools may not have Krav Maga in them but the ones that are listed should be quality schools.

I am offering this in Spanish also, I hope it is accurate...

No estoy claro en lo que quieres decir, pero creo que esto es lo que usted necesita saber. Sí, el Krav Maga es muy eficaz para la autodefensa si te metes en un buen centro de formación. Se trabajará en contra de la gente que es mayor que tú, así como aquellos que son más fuertes que tú. Pruebe cualquiera de estas organizaciones Krav Maga para localizar un centro de entrenamiento en su área.



Los nombres de las escuelas no tienen Krav Maga en ellos, pero los que están listados deben ser escuelas de calidad.

beat him?

TO SERVE? HELP DEFEND? I am 22 serves to deal with someone older than me if defense although it is stronger