> Joining an mma gym what to expect?

Joining an mma gym what to expect?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
The people are always nice and receptive. Granted a few might ruffle some feathers, but they're very understanding. Otherwise, who would want to go? Don't worry. It's like the first day of school. You're nervous and that's understandable, but it's going to be something you'll enjoy or you won't. If you like it stay, and if you don't, then leave. If anything it's better than school because you had to have gone to school lol.

You want to approach this somewhat like a person would for looking for a martial arts class or school. Go and watch several of the classes or workouts at different times and different days and look at the quality of training and instruction that is being given and how well those training can do things. If you see people not receiving a lot of attention and being corrected and things seem pretty disorganized then it might not be a good place for you and keep looking.

Also talk to some of those training there and see if they are happy with the training and instruction they are getting and if any of them or others have been seriously hurt. A good place for training will try to keep the injuries down and be smart in their approach to things for instance and make sure that people have and use mouthpieces and also head gear is used in sparring along with heavier, more padded gloves unless there is grappling and then participants are expected to take some power off of things. Mats are used and readily available and all the sparring is monitored by the instructor instead of him being on the phone or talking to people outside of training.

Then look at the financial side of things. How much do they charge? Are their contracts and if so for how long? What additional or hidden coasts are there and how long have they been in business might all be additional factors to consider.

If you find a halfway decent place to train that you can afford and is close to you or convenient then consider yourself lucky. Many people are not so lucky and don't be afraid to pass on any specials they might try to get you to take advantage of before time runs out and shop and check things out.

Short shorts and sweat

I'm a little nervous about how this works I know there is like separate classes for each individual styles like jiu jitsu and boxing etc. also what kind of gear would I need? I have wrestled in school for 6 years but it's been a couple years since ive graduated and have last stepped on a wrestling mat I'm pretty sure I haven't forgotten everything completely probably just a little rusty at the most could I atleast spar in grappling right away? Also if down the road I decided to get into amateur competitions what would be an ideal weight class I can't exactly remember what weight class I wrestled at as I changed frequently the ought the years I'm 5'6 and 176 pounds 19 btw if it matters