> Jiu Jitsu private Training?

Jiu Jitsu private Training?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I have had many interactions and private sessions with Royce over the years and Royce only does Private sessions with him if you are family/friend, one of his black belt students, or if you are a professional fighter paying him to teach you. He has no interest in making money from private people because it does not advance his name. however if you are a professional fighter he can make claims that he helped you with training which puts him in the spotlight again.

The main thing is that he is constantly travelling and doing seminars in multiple countries and he tends to stay with family and friends each time he comes to other countries.

The only way of basically getting training with him is to pay for a seminar session that 100 other people go to and then following him all over the country side. other than those seminars he is spending time with his black belts or his family.

Its about $300-$500 a private lesson here with a normal GJJ black belt - if youu seriously have that much money you are better off travelling to Brasil and training down there for a few years , you will learn 100 times more anyway.

I doubt you could do that and even if you could how much do you think he would charge? Martial arts private trainers begin at around 100$/hour. Yes, you read correctly. One hour. And that is a cheap one. So you might want to reconsider this idea of yours.

I was just wondering if anyone knows if its possible to get a private lesson in bjj from Royce Gracie.

and where i may be able to contact/email for more information.

sort of using bjj as an excuse to travel , an if im gonna travel why not eh.

thanks in advance.