> Jits vs judo?

Jits vs judo?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 

Do you mean BJJ , JJJ, or jujutsu, or other?

both are gay

Excluding black belts and studying specifically in one or the other, what have you personally encountered in terms of what may be comparable to the other. Example: a well trained brown in judo should be able to hang on the ground with a blue in jits, a blue/purple in jits shouldn't be thrown all around by a brown. I know its a weird question with several variables.I'm not talking world class guys just average dudes that you would see at a local tourney.

I also accept that I'm likely to get the each individual is different "a pitbull would beat a rott which would beat a doberman which would beat a pitbull" type of answers. I guess the best answer would come from what you have seen personally. Thanks for the positive input and also look forward to the criticism