> Ji jitsu vs Brazillian jiu jitsu?

Ji jitsu vs Brazillian jiu jitsu?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
as usually kw hides a lie in his half truths

japanese jujutsu was utilized in war and combat and still is to this day by the japanese and many military. form jujutsu developed judo and from judo bjj.

there are over 600 styles of japanese jujutsu, they include all aspects of fighting, such as grappling, and striking as well as stand up and ground. and also weapons and weapons defense. there are a few styles of japanese jujutsu that are more dedicated to ground grappling and striking then others.

kw of cause lied about the aliveness and claims japanese jujutsu has non. which is a lie. most school teach this so called aliveness training as they now use the term.

aliveness training does not depend upon the style it depends upon the instructor.

aliveness is just the latest term made up by mma, its been utilized for thousands of years, fanboys like kw just want to pretend they have a monopoly on it

im sure kw will give me 6 thumbs down now from his alternate accounts for disagreeing with him

and btw kw that is not unbiased, if you think that you need to learn english as well. you just claimed all jjj training is inferior how is that unbiased or are you rewriting the dictionary too

Jjj was the superior art to all. Then people used it to bully people it became illegal and taboo it survirved as judo and karate and when peolle stoped caring about it came back but as a shell of its former self. A lot of jiu jitsu purists would kill bjj if you compared club to club in sub grappling with a 30 second pin to win but all other rules begin the same. A lot of the other styles of jui jitsu just taught ground work. Gjj is the most accurate modern repprestaion of jui jitsu so if I was doing that I'd stick with it. For bjj some styles of jui jitsu would be way better for results than just training judo or wrestling and bjj.

You got a good answer from KW. But basically it's that BJJ has removed a lot of the BS from that type of fighting. They don't train in kata or weapons training. However they excel in the grappling aspect of ground fighting. You put two people up who have trained a year. One bjj and one jjj. I guarentee you that the one who has trained in bjj has more hours of grappling and rolling on the mat than the jjj guy. So in that aspect JJJ can't even compare.

I'm doing Bjj, but my friend keeps on telling me to quit it and join jj. What is the difference? I want to get a better understanding of what is the difference out of respect. Btw, Bjj works great for me, made a high school who's Javier than me tap out and I've only done it recently