> Jeet Kune Do or Muay Thai?

Jeet Kune Do or Muay Thai?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Jeet Kune Do is not a martial art in and of itself. It is a philosophy that speaks to a manner in which to use martial training and technique in a manner natural to the one doing such. Bruce Lee presupposed that anyone learning his expressed philosophy would already have his or her own set of "tools" to use.

The philosophy of JKD teaches an eclectic approach to martial art training wherein the martial artist uses the functional aspect of particular techniques from various styles and schools without holding them in a restricted form or pattern of movement. You may find that you use some wing chun technique or some from TKD, Hapkido, Aikido, Jujitsu, boxing, etc., while not being bound to any of the patterns of those styles.

Such makes it both a free expression of self and, for most persons, very difficult to learn as most get bound up and trapped in the "classical mess" of the styles they study. For those individuals who are not as physically gifted as Mr. Lee was, his philosophy can become difficult to apply and to use at the same level as he did.

As a lived philosophy, there is nothing to learn in JKD. You must already have your set of "tools" to work with which points to the necessity of having well studied a wide variety of arts so as to have some foundational knowledge as to what works for you and as to have learned how to adapt the same to make it the most efficient expression of the self.

Wakarimasu, tomodachi?

Jeet Kune Do has aspects of Muay Thai in it, but Muay Thai is a complete striking style in and of itself. Almost all JKD and Muay Thai today have been incorporated into MMA schools because MMA has taken over the martial arts scene.

Jeet kune do last i seen had self defence aspects all through it would be what your looking for muai Thai is still good but not really what your looking for

There is no tailored martial arts just for you. Most places offer free classes. Go and try it out and see what you like the best.

Jeet Kune Do.


I am 17 and planning to start learning martial arts this year. I would like to know which of the two martial arts above, JKD or MT is best for me to get involved in given how much you can learn in 2 years from each. Which is the one to prepare me to defend myself as good as possible in 2 years(around 4 to 3 days a week). Thanks a lot (P.S. I am not planning to become a grand master martial artists ect, I just want to learn self defense and train my body to become stronger and tougher)