> Japanese jiu jutsu moves list?

Japanese jiu jutsu moves list?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
please give all the moves and don't make fun.

We can not help you in that, for the reasons people have told you. What I can do, is to give you a link, to an original version of a 102 years old book, with drawings, written in Japanese to check some.:)

Randori Kappou, Jujitsu Kyokasho

Textbook on Jujitsu

by Yoshinari Iguichi

Kaishin Shorou

Published in October 10th, 1912

Japanese Language


are you serious? that would entail thousands and thousands of different moves, many of which are only taught in the most traditional of places and unknown to much of the world. How could ANYONE know all the moves in a style. Not even the most experienced of practitioners could do this. You are asking something that a collaboration of the finest Jujitsu instructors could not even put together.

It cant be done. There are moves in Jujitsu that are not even used in the world today because they are strictly techniques for warfare.

I know you said don't make fun but you're talking about thousands of techniques per school and hundreds of schools of Japanese Jujitsu.

It's not that nobody wants to help you out it's just that anybody who thought they actually could would be kidding themselves and you both, a complete list of what is in Japanese Jujitsu simply does not and should not exist because when you put a limit on what can be learned you stagnate the art.

there are over 300 styles of japanese jujutsu, and thousands of techniques.

figure it out your self

The moves is martials what they want is your favorite women to mess it all up because you dont know anything. about being in drugs with martials and food is food then dirt is never in food neither is nothing.

please give all the moves and don't make fun.