> It IS Impossible?!?!?

It IS Impossible?!?!?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Yes this is possible with time, training, and experience to some degree. I say to some degree because a trained person will deliberately not give little tell-tale signs away about what they are about to do. They avoid this or sometimes will even instead give away something a little if they feel their opponent is reading them and then do something else or just the opposite. In fact that is one of the strategies you can employ sometimes if you feel your opponent is reading you early and is a form of over reacting. A well trained person with experience can and will wait till their opponent is committed to their action of attack before reacting and then try to react quicker than the attacking action.

One of the things I would do with students and fighters to demonstrate all this would be to sometimes tell them what they were thinking and about to do before they would actually do it. This would be easier to do with beginners or fledgling students and fighters and sometimes very demotivating so I would not do it allot or all the time. Instead it was just to demonstrate to them that watching, observing, and learning was an important element in their training. Also this helped them to understand the importance to not give away things and to be careful in their training and execution to avoid doing this.

All this is one of the reasons why especially in organized or structured fighting the mental aspect is so important in relation to a fighter reaching their fullest potential and they should not focus only their physical training and physical skills and physical toughness and their development in them but also their mental development as well.

only experience and very talented fighters can do that.

Yes, that's the point of seriously training as well as training correctly from an instructor that understands this. It's amazing how many don't understand it. A huge part of this is footwork which most schools spend very little time with. The art of non telegraphic movements should be the focus but for most "schools" it is not. Instead most insist on teaching stuff, robotic telegraphic drills that teach the same along with strikes that have no real power

It is possible to read your opponents, but that is different from what you are saying. Looking at the torso and reading which direction and even body part is going to attack is actually a skill you pick up pretty early on in your training. You don't need to watch your opponent and figure this one out during the fight itself, because you'll already have the skill and will be able to read that from the very beginning of a fight.

Reading an opponent is not about seeing what he is trying to execute, but reading what he will do before he does it. For example the other guy might have a go to move where he throws a stiff jab before throwing the right. Well during the fight you read him and notice that this is a reoccuring thing. So next time he throws a stiff jab you immediately execute a straight right counter. Something like that.

Of course the fighters also knows you'll be trying to read them so they may feed you false information by purposely stiff jabbing and then throwing rights. Then they read your confidence by facial expression, body movement, and/or just know the level of your reading skill which allows them to faint a right as you are try to counter it and just counter your counter.

So reading is definitely possible and on higher level fighting it becomes less about what technique you can do and more about reading and counter reading your opponent.(And by higher level I mean higher than basic level)

Possible, but without actually training, you're not going to be able to do much about it. And better opponents know how to hide their intentions.

Yeah, in any martial art you get a sense of pattern in your opponents movements, and you can counter/block easily. Of course this takes a certain degree of experience though.

Absolutely. There's a reason why a boxer never looks at where he'll strike; chances are his opponent will pick up on it, block and counter viciously.

Also, after some time in boxing (or, I'd imagine, any full-contact martial art/sport), you end up instinctively feeling your opponent's punch. You ever see those boxers on TV dodge 5-6 punches? They can feel the punches coming from the very contraction of their opponent's muscles.

It's not impossible at all.

AKBAN is 100% correct though. Putting too much stock into instinct and anticipation has a special name; it's what we call gambling. And a smart fighter (and a smart man in any walk of life) keeps the gambling to a minimum.

No, it's most certainly possible. Muscle movement, eye movement, etc. It's certainly a possible thing. It's watching the body, learning it's subtle movements, what they may mean, etc. But it's not wise to put too much value and faith into such things, bc your anticipation may end up being wrong.

i teach my students to focus on their opponents eyes. that way they can see when he is starting his move and they can strike or counter attack

Let Say..You are in a fight. You been Watching ALOT of Fighting shows and you notice the fighter read the opponent movements. Can you Really read the opponent movement? like if he torso swing to the right, His fist going to swing to the right?????

just curios.. ..ous..