> Is this a good weak spot?

Is this a good weak spot?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
For starters you might want to find away to behind the person, from their here is what you could do. Besides your regular roundhouse kicks and sweepkicks you could go for a nice hard jab or monkey death punch maybe even a elbow

Kajukenbo has moves that target that area. I will say that they are dangerous and not fun to practice. There is always that uneasy feeling when it's your training partner's turn to do the moves on your. You are always hoping that he doesn't lose control and really seriously hurt you. In all my years of training in Kajukenbo, I never had anyone accidentally injure the small of my back, but still those moves are dangerous and to be use only when your life is really in danger.

But in general, the traditional Kajukenbo schools teach really dangerous and painful techniques to the beginners. I personally do not condone that, but that is the tradition. Kajukenbo has a high injury and high drop out rate.

That is not what I would teach striking the back because I dont want to letigate a felon if its a paralyn.

I wouldn't ever recommend doing this as you could paralyze someone from there down and it could land you in heap of trouble, less damaging moves. check out a program called Human Weapon and find something less destructive, joint locks are one of the best ways to stop an attacker ect.

only if you want a law suit on your hands, since it will cause a permanent injury you will be held liable, for the injury, which will be quite expensive too

Don't do that, that's cruel and stupid. Just hit their jaw instead and knock them out.

Is there any martial arts moves used to break the small of back (it's right above your butt where your spine kind of grooves in a bit when you're standing up straight)? I heard on an article on listverse that the small of back is a fragile bone, and if struck with the right amount of force, it can cause the backbone to break. I don't know if that's true, but if so, try to explain why a certain strike (btw, please name the different types of strikes you can do to the small of back) to the small of back can break the backbone.