> Is this a good fight?

Is this a good fight?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Should the taller one in the tank top join wrestle mania?

Shaeek and Kokoro are right. That was painful to watch. A bunch of wannabe amateurs who have no idea what they are doing. Everything thing they did was wrong and atrocious.

And yes. Our AKBAN whitebelts would wipe the floor with these guys, any whitebelt from a good school would.

I chuckled when they fell, i agree with akban and Shaeek, most white belts at a good school could mop the floor with them

they have piss poor balance, no technique or tactic, they fell with no control or plan.

its beyond pathetic

I could see no technique at all what so ever. Their only tactic was to swing and grab eachother

2 pathetic people who dont know what they are doing, pretending like they do.

My white belts would wipe the floor with these guys.

If my kid was white then its a good fight.

Should the taller one in the tank top join wrestle mania?
