> Is this a bad way to handle a mugging?!?

Is this a bad way to handle a mugging?!?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
and then the muggers friend stabs the guy with the switch blade in the back a few times.

which is what happened to one of my students when he laugh at the unarmed mugger, he was stabbed 3 times in the back and was in the hospital for about 6 weeks

muggers usually look for a situation where they have the advantage. and they dont always travel alone

During my later attempted mugging, one was in front and two came up from behind. They let me go because I responded with way over the top anger (I was in a bad mood at the time), and in restrospect, as soon as I heard the others, I instinctively moved so that I was away from all three and in a position where they could not get to me easily. Plus I switched from non-combative to combative in a fraction of a second. That probably made them realize it was more trouble than it was worth, especially considering I was so loud that some other people started looking. I was even told by the bartender that he heard me inside of the club, over the loud music and that some bouncers were on their way outside.

Now was THAT smart? I think what I did was DUMB, but hey, I am alive.

We can't "guarantee" you anything. We can only make suggestions. The best thing I know I should have done was to have not gone there in the first place! That's why I say your best method of self defense is your lifestyle.

Contrary to what other people are saying, case studies and interviews with muggers reveal that size makes no difference when they select a target. If you read Dead or Alive by Geoff Thompson he interviews muggers and asks them about how they select their victims, they inform him that body language plays the largest factor. Geoff then specifically asks them if sizes makes a difference and they reply "No."

The other thing to consider is that if you draw a switch-blade to frighten a mugger, what happens if you get into a scuffle and the muggers gets the knife off you? You are then faced with a mugger who is now armed with a knife.

Consider the switch blade may be illegal and you may want or the police will soon be involved.

Does the guy have a concealed weapons permit for a legal knife? Can the 6-2 guy out run the mugger? Maybe a concealed pistol would be better.

Your victim is not the ideal target for a mugger. A mugger would prey on someone they think is weaker than themselves. Unless your mugger is of the same relative size or bigger then you need not fear. As always dont bring a knife to a gunfight. Muggings usually happen with some sort of weapon. If your state offers CCW(Conceal and Carry Weapon) I advise applying for it taking classes on how to use a firearm and purchasing one. If you state does not offer them look into applying for a Florida Non-Resident CCW. I have both OH resident and FL non resident and there is pretty much no state that I cant carry in legally except NY

One of the annoying things in the 21st century is that CCTVs are almost everywhere. If you pull out a switchblade it's quite familiar to a case of a boxer friend some years ago.

Basically there's a group of highly aggressive and potential gang members harassing his girlfriend and one of the group made the threat that they're going to kill them. That friend of mine took no time in quickly establishing his guard and knocked out the nearest member out cold.

In the end....the camera footage tells a different story of how a group of unarmed and normal civilians gathering around the big bloke and for whatever weird reason the big bloke started to box the poor guy near him out cold.

By quickly establishing the threat of bigger violence to stop the violence...without any indication of who's been attacked. The police took my friend as the one who started the illegal fight not deemed as 'self defense.' He got a fine at least.

Do take note that in certain countries even the threat of assault, especially with an edged weapon pointing at someone, is a crime itself. Even if you don't intend to use the knife or actually cause damage, you have committed a crime that could be used to the mugger's advantage right there.

Lets say a 250 lb 6'2" guy was walking down a street and someone attempts to mug him (no weapon). Would it turn bad if the 6'2" pulled out a switchblade to scare off the mugger??